05 February 2015

ATTENTION TX Kindergarten Conference Attendees!!! Your Goodies as Promised!!!

These last couple of weeks have been a bit of a blur, so I'm lacking in my posts these days.  However, I have to say that I've LOVED my time with all my Texas 1st and Kindergarten teachers these last couple of weeks.  I swear I'm not biased or anything, but Texas has some of the sweetest, best teachers around ;)

I was able to spend a lot of time with our TX Kindergarten teachers this past week at the SDE Texas Kindergarten Conference.  It was awesome!!!  I loved meeting and talking to so many talented, dedicated teachers across our great state.  During our time together, I promised these teachers I'd come back to the blog and link to a few resources, activities, books, and free printables we discussed during each session.  Hope this is helpful!!  I also put my little store on sale for a limited time so that you could grab some of these resources at a discount if you're interested.  Sale ends tomorrow!!

Now let's get to the good stuff!!


These are the books I referenced regarding implementing & organizing a Reader's Workshop as well as mini lesson ideas.  Great for your teacher toolboxes!

We talked about those parent letters for lending the library and interest surveys.  As promised, here are the (free) printables.  Reader's Workshop "Lend your Library" parent letter & Interest Survey

This is the bookmark I had in my Reader's Toolkit.  You can grab it for free here:  Reader's Toolkit reading strategy bookmark

This is the parking lot visual for the sticky notes we talked about.  As promised, here's the (free) printable:  Reader's Worskshop Parking Lot Thinking Stickies

Some of you asked where I got my Reader's Workshop mini lessons and did I have a curriculum I followed.  I mentioned Kim Adsit's Reader's Workshop units.  They are fabulous!!!!  If you haven't started a reader's workshop in your classroom and don't know where to begin, these are great resources chock FULL of mini lessons and ideas.  I highly recommend!!  


Here are the finger spacers I showed y'all...great for spacing and directionality.  (Writing Inhibitor - Spatial/Sequential Ordering)

This is the Marshmallow Spaces Activity I mentioned when we were talking about those spatial/sequential writing inhibitors.

These are the checklists and visuals many of you asked about during our discussion about interventions for those kids struggling with memory & focus.  As promised, here's a free download of those resources.  Writing Intervention Checklist & Visuals 

Here  is a link to the book I referenced:  The Pre-K - 2 Writing Classroom - Growing Confident Writers

We talked about offering prompts/sentence starters as a modification for students struggling with language and higher order cognition.  I promised I'd link to the resources I created for this and use in my classroom.  

This is a WONDERFUL book and I LOVED using this in my classroom!!!  I referenced this resource when we talked about adding detail.  Marvelous Mini Lessons for Teaching Beginning Writing

I also referenced these books...GREAT reads!!!!   Engaging Young Writers / In Pictures & In Words


I hope y'all got some ideas you could immediately implement in your classrooms when you returned on Wednesday.  I know we covered A TON!!!!  

These are the Sight Word Bracelets (Really Good Stuff) I showed y'all and promised to link to.

Here is The Sight Words on the Bus Song I used in my classroom.

I have been searching and searching for my "ring of chants" file, but I'm pretty positive I was right...it was lost when I transferred :(  SO SAD!!  Here are sight word chants you can print on labels and adhere to popsicle sticks (free download!!!!)
Here's the link to the portable word wall many of you asked about (free)!!

This is the Sight Wordle activity I put in my sight words center. This post details how to create your own wordles!!!  


So much to talk about, so little time :)  Behavior management looks different in every classroom because we don't have the same dynamics of kids to love :)  Don't forget about those relationships!!!!  
Here's the download to the Behavior Punch Card we talked about from What the Teacher Wants

We also chatted about reward coupons for a minute.  These are my FAVORITE!!!  And they're FREE from Amy Lemons at Step into 2nd Grade!!!!!

This is the recipe I used to make my Calm Down Glitter Jar

And this is the tutorial I followed to make my scratch off lottery ticket!!!!


Another session chock full of info...SO much to talk about!  

I also referenced this post about problem solving (whole group, independent practice)

We talked about integrating CGI in the classroom and here's a bit more info about CGI and what it is. Like I said, I've been using this approach to teaching math since my first year in the classroom 13 years ago!  LOVE IT!!!!!

Here are the number anchor charts that were on display and many of you asked where to get them so I'm including the link.

I'm still searching for the number line prompt file!!!  If I can find that, I'll upload that, too!!

If you're looking for more activities to add to your math tubs, some of these might work for your classroom!


We talked about choice trays making an excellent anchor activity - these really help give our kids a sense of autonomy and ownership over their learning.  Here's a printable choice tray (free) for you to use how you wish!

The clipart  I used for the CVC cards is from  Pink Cat Studio. 

The other questions about clipart - I also love Educasong and Whimsy Clips!!!

All of the anchor activities we talked about will be available in the store this weekend (by request).  Great suggestion!  Thank you!!


Whew!  What a session!  So sorry it was cut short due to the fire alarm!!!!  I sure shot out of that room like I was on fire, didn't I?!  HA!!!  I had a few of you asking if I planned that...I sure didn't, but boy would it have been PERFECT!!  Especially since we were talking about setting the stage to engage!!  Why didn't I think of that?!  HA!!!!!  

Remember to keep in mind that writing won't just look different in every classroom, but it will look different with EVERY.SINGLE.STUDENT.  Y'all already know this, but I felt like that was such a big discussion I wanted to mention it again.  It's a scaffolded experience for our kiddos.  It's going to take TIME.  Lots and lots of TIME to develop the stamina they need to become independent writers.  Be there to support those struggling writers.  Help them ride their bikes and when they're ready, slowly take off the training wheels.  Progress is growth and that's what's most important...GROWTH!!!!  Just because Johnny's writing doesn't look like Susie's writing doesn't mean he isn't writing.  He's just writing differently :)  Even if that means Johnny is scribble writing while Susie is producing novels ;)

Part of our discussion led to the mention of these fabulous bloggers.  I wanted to link to them so you can pore over their ideas...they have some GREAT ones!!!

We also talked a lot about setting the stage to engage our emergent writers.  Giving them experiences...I mean, was that fire alarm not the PERFECT experience for a writing activity?!  Hope King has an EXCELLENT ebook all about setting the stage to engage.  I wanted you to know about this resource because so many of y'all expressed interest in this!!!

Some of you asked about a "writing curriculum" to support our varying levels of writers.  I used Deanna Jump & Deedee Wills writing workshop units in my classroom and wanted to link to those as well since some of you asked about this!

These are the books I referenced as well.  Engaging Young Writers In Pictures & In Words


This is the book I referenced.  AMAZING!!!  I definite "must" for your teacher toolbox.

Here's a link to my mini vocabulary notebook (free)

This is the interactive vocabulary notebook from Abby Mullins (aka Babbling Abby) I referenced.  One of my favorite resources perfect for either the whole group notebooks we talked about or for individual notebooking as well.

I hope that covered what I said I'd link back to :)  It all seems like a blur, so there's a good chance I might have forgotten a few things!!  As always, if you have any questions about anything, please feel free to shoot me an email at thefirstgradeparade@gmail.com or leave me a comment below!

Thanks again for coming out to the conference!!!  I feel blessed to be in a profession where so many teachers are EAGER to learn more and add new tips and tricks to their toolkits to make learning more fun, meaningful, and engaging for your kids!!!  Y'all know how hard it is to write sub plans and come back to goodness knows what.  I'd rather be sick that write sub plans, y'know?!  So THANK YOU for being such dedicated teachers.  THANK YOU for taking time out of the classroom and away from your sweeties to learn more!!!  You guys are AMAZING!!!!  


  1. There are NO words about how excited I am about this post! I just downloaded your numerous freebies and bookmarked all the links! There's a few things I already owned (including the Pictures to Words book and Hope King's ebook) and it's incredibly helpful to see how you tie it all together. Thank you! What lucky audience members you had - I wish I could have attended! Thanks again for so generously sharing your expertise! Jen

    1. You are too sweet, Jen! I hope these resources are helpful for you!!! Blessings!

  2. I'm sure your presentation was just amazing! I have not seen those Sight Word Bracelets. How cute are those!!!!
    Fun In First

    1. YOu're sweet, Jodi! Aren't those bracelets too cool?!?! My kids LOVE them!!!!!!

  3. I wasn't able to attend your workshops. Could you explain the sticky notes? I love the idea and would like to use them with my students. I am currently using Daily 5 but I think these sticky notes would provide a focus for discussions when we come together on the carpet. Also, I am new to Reader's Workshop. Can you explain a little more about what that would look like in your classroom? Has this replaced Daily 5?

    1. I can! I will post about them soon!!! I don't do the Daily 5 and haven't since I taught 1st grade 5 years ago. I take bits and pieces of that format and combine them with bits and pieces of other formats. I'll talk more about what all that looks like in a post...coming soon! Blessings!

  4. I was so disappointed that I couldn't attend this conference but I am SO thankful for this post! Thanks so much for sharing. I can sorta kinda but not quite really pretend I was there. ♥

    1. I'm bummed you couldn't be there, but hope these resources are helpful!!! Blessings!!

  5. Thanks for all the great ideas! It almost feels like I was there. I was trying to download all of the freebies, but many of them did not work. Am I too late?

    1. Not too late at all! The downloads are all working. Let me know if you need any help! Blessings!

  6. I have purchased so many of your goodies! I also have many of your freebies that I use in my classroom on a daily basis!! Keep inspiring please! :) You've even inspired me to become a seller on TPT and blogger (oh help me! ha) Crossing my fingers that I can make it to the TPT conference!

    1. You are so sweet Angela! THank you for sharing!!! Best of luck to you on your TpT and blogging ventures!!! You'll LOVE it!!!!!

  7. Thanks. I really would like to hear all about your Reader's Workshop. I am struggling right now with Daily 5. I like the structure but I wonder if my students are really practising the strategies that we are working on. I would like to find a structure that would include more focused practise.

  8. I can't believe I missed the conference this year! I told our district admin about you (since our district is just north of Houston) and how spectacular you are! Maybe a summer training??


  9. First of all I want to thank you so much for presenting at the Texas SDE conference. You were amazing! I left with many ideas that I could come and incorporate into my classroom. So, a big thank you! Are you still planning to put the anchor activities in your store? I know I would love to have the opportunity to buy them. Thanks again!
