12 February 2015

Hello Alabama! (Kindergarten Teachers, That Is ;)

I'm finally home from another great conference and ready to share a few things I discussed with some of the best teachers in the state!!!  There was a lot to cover in 2 days and 8 sessions, so I hope y'all were able to take away a few new tips and tricks without feeling too overwhelmed!!  

As I've said before, I think the best kind of professional development is the kind you get from the teachers in your own building.  Watching others teach & listening to their ideas can be so very powerful.  I wouldn't be half the teacher I am today had it not been for the girls with whom I taught.  We were all so different in so many ways, yet I learned so many invaluable things from each of them.  Great behavior management strategies...teaching techniques...approach to instruction...the list could go on and on.  Just like the teachers with whom I've taught before, I learned so many NEW things from the teachers whom attended my sessions at the Alabama K Conference this past week.  I hope I was able to give you a few new ideas as well!!!

One of the highlights of my trip was *finally* getting to hug these girls in person!!!  Julie (Mrs. Lee's Kindergarten) and Jamie (Mrs. Mayas' Kindergarten) are two of THE sweetest girls I've ever met.  I've been following them for almost 4 years now and their ideas...and precious personalities...are beyond compare.  They are the REAL DEAL!!!!  Just love them to pieces!!!!  

#ihaveoldface #andgrayhair #and10extrapoundsresidingonmythighs

I met so many other fabulous teachers and I wish I lived closer because I'd love to see them all in action!!!  I know they're just amazing!!!  

Here are the links to the freebies and resources as promised.  Thank you SO much for coming.  It was great to meet each and every one of you!!  


Such a BROAD topic and we could've spent a whole day diving deep into each different type of technology available to us.  Y'all gave me some great suggestions for websites I hadn't heard, apps I haven't tried, and ways to integrate those different things into our school day.  Thank you!  

 If you're looking for a great Kindergarten technology resource, you should check out Brittany Banister at Mrs. Banister's Kindergarten Kids.  

She's a wealth of knowledge and great ideas when it comes to integrating tech into the classroom.  She also has a technology blog she co-writes with another teacher and you can find all their great ideas at 2 Techie Teachers

Just make sure you're cozy because you'll be reading for hours!!!  

Click on the links below to get to some of the apps/websites we talked about on Tuesday and let me know if y'all have any questions.  If I've forgotten something, will you leave it in the comments?!  Thanks!!!

Some of my favorite apps for classroom use are...

We also talked about the app you can use to display your iPad on the whiteboard (if you don't have Apple compatible products in your classroom).  It's called Show Me.  Here are a couple of tutorials on using this app.

Don't forget to search You Tube for tutorials on most of these apps/websites/resources if you're in need of step-by-step visuals and instructions!

I KNOW IT BY SIGHT (Sight Words) 

I promised I'd come back and share a couple of those sight word resources with y'all so here we are :)  

Here's the printable Word Collector Notebook I promised as well...

For links and resources to the other sessions, click HERE.

Thanks again for coming and have a WONDERFUL rest of the week!!!


  1. I was just thinking how skinny you look!!! Always pretty!
    Mrs. Black's Bees

    1. When I meet you, I'm brining you riaght to Hugtown. That is SO sweet of you to say! You just made my day!!!!

  2. Thanks for the shout-out, Cara! It's quite the honor. I am the other techie of 2techieteachers with Mrs. Banister. You are so right about learning best from those we know. She and I sharpen each other. -Tiffany Copple

    1. I absolutely LOVE y'all's blog!!!! SO amazing!!!! And such a wealth of knowledge!! GREAT resource for someone who struggles incorporating technology like me :) Thank you!!!!!

  3. CARA!!! Girl...you never slow down!! I'm sure your sessions were FABULOUS!!! Can't wait to see you again!
    ~Jessica @ Wild About Firsties

    1. Hahahah!!! That's what it feels like lately! Glad to have a break this week and back at it again on Sunday. SHOO!!! Hope to see you again soon, my friend!!! I think another Chili's date is in order, STAT!!!!! Love ya!

  4. Thanks for all your hard work! The songs are simple and ingenious. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. THose songs were a LIFESAVER in my classroom!!! SO simple and we just couldn't get the tunes out of our heads...which was good thing ;) Hope these help!!! Blessings!
