22 September 2012

Christmas in September?!?!

I think y’all have heard me say it before, but just incase you haven’t, I LOVE Christmas.  Sure, I love it for all the traditions & *fun stuff*, but I absolutely LOVE the true meaning behind it the most.  While I LOVE our yearly visits from Santa, I want my boys to understand WHY we celebrate.  One of our favorite Christmas traditions is waking up on Christmas morning and eating birthday cake for breakfast right after we sing “Happy Birthday!” to Jesus.  A few years ago, we started my MOST favorite tradition…our nightly, family Christmas devotional.  My boys LOVE it!!!


Here’s how it works…

A Meaningful Christmas is sold as a package (with 24 devotional books) for groups of moms to work together to create ornaments for each day's devotional. When you purchase the package, a “Hostess Kit” will be e-mailed to you  that will give you all the information you need to gather a group of twenty four other moms, assign ornaments for each group member to make, and every other detail in between. You can purchase the hostess kit whenever you are ready. The devotional books are not required for making the ornaments and they won't be ready to ship out until Nov.

I participated in the original swapping party and LOVED every minute!!!!  You can read about that HERE.

beg. of Dec 017

If you want MORE examples of this AMAZING devotional and how to get it started, you MUST check out A Meaningful Christmas FB page and browse through some of the posts by other readers who have held their own advent ornament exchange parties.  AMAZNG!!!!!!  While you’re there, “like” them to get all the latest news and updates!!!!  I mean, y’all…this devotional is truly AMAZING!!!!  For more info on A Meaningful Christmas, you can read a little bit more about it HERE. And don’t forget to stop by their FB page to see how others are using this devotional to teach the true meaning of Christmas!!!! 


  1. You are an inspiration, sweet friend!

  2. Thanks, Cara! It's just my fiance and I...plus our "furry" son right now but this looks like an amazing project to remember for our future family. Thanks for sharing. You are inspiring in a lot of ways!

    What Happens in First Grade

  3. Singing Happy Birthday to Jesus and baking his cake is a favorite at our house too! I love this devotional idea. Will definitely check it out.
    Michelle @ Smitten with First

  4. I love this idea! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thank you for sharing about this Cara! You are an inspiration and your love for the Lord and others shines through all you do. Thank you for blessing so many of us. =)

    Heather's Heart

  6. That's cool! I've never heard of something like that before. :)

  7. So neat! I am looking into it! Do you remember where you got the wood ornaments from to make them?

  8. Hello :))) hope you had a wonderful day.

    I really love your blog, you have so many inspiring activities. I homeschool my son and I am always searching in your blog new activities to do with my son.

    I am writing you to ask you a favor please :)); I was wondering if you could recommend me a social science/history books. I need a reliable and attractive source to my history lessons. My son is in first grade.

    I would really appreciate your help. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks :)).


  9. I love this...thanks for sharing!



  10. What a great idea! I will be sure to further check it out.

    I am your newest follower!! Come visit me over at www.AisforAfterschool.blogspot.com

