20 September 2012

You’re Knockin’ My Socks Off!

In any given (school) day, my kids probably hear my say, “You’re knockin’ my socks off!” no less than 25+ times :)  I usually say this when somebody has a bright idea that really blows me away, but more often you’re likely to hear me utter this phrase when I see kids that are on task and working responsibly.  At the beginning of the year, it can be challenging to get Kindergarteners to realize they can do *hard* things, so lots of praise and positive reinforcement are a must…for me, anyway. 

To keep my kids on track and encouraged to do their best, I decided I needed a visual to go with my whole, “You’re knockin’ my socks off!” phrase.  Last year I used my Bravo Board…which I ADORED….but I wanted to try something a little different this year.  And I’m SO glad I did!  So far, it works like a charm :)


My visual is displayed at the front of my classroom on my white board.  I just took a strand of jute and wrapped it around 3 magnets.  I have 5 tables in my classroom, so I clipped 5 clothespins to the strand.  Each clothespin is labeled with my classroom table numbers.  Then I made some little reward coupons, tucked one into the sock, and when I catch my friends “knockin’ my socks off”, I move the coupon filled sock to that table’s clothespin.


I’m moving the clothespin many times throughout the day so that my kids can see who’s makin’ my heart smile.  At the end of the day…whichever table has the sock…wins and gets the prize inside.  The reward coupons are super simple, easy, and for the most part, free.  Since the reward changes every day, the kids are always excited to see what they will *win*….extra computer time, free choice, writing with markers, warm fuzzies, sweet treat, etc.  I can honestly say…for the most part…they really are on their best behavior!!! 

You can grab my little reward coupons by clicking on the pic below!  These are nothing fancy, but they get the job done ;)  You’ll see some rewards in there that may not be applicable to you or your kids, but I *tried* to include rewards I’ve used in the past.  I’m sure I won’t use all of these rewards this year, but I know that my kids LOVE the ones I’ve used so far!


I’m linking up with Natalie & Rachelle over at What the Teacher Wants!  Head on over for more amazing behavior management ideas!!!! 




  1. Cuteness! Love this! I say that all the time too.

  2. Love this idea! You are sooooo creative. :)

  3. Girl, you are phenomenal. You are knockin' my socks off with all that cuteness. LOVE!

  4. You knock our socks off with your original and always super cute ideas! Love the coupons inside the sock!!

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  5. I absolutely adore this idea! Thanks so much for Cara!

  6. This cracks me up . . . I use this expression all the time and the kids look at me funny and then check my feet :) Great idea once again my friend! Thanks for sharing.

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  7. This is awesome! I just love it! Thanks for sharing your fun idea!

  8. That is the cutest thing ever! I wish I was blessed with this sort of creativity and I could have "knocked the socks off" of my 1st grade classes a zillion years ago. Not quite the same impact for a home school of one; LOL!

  9. What an awesome idea! Very original and I can imagine how excited your students get about it. Thanks for sharing this idea!

    Heather at TeachItToday

  10. This is SOOO creative! LOVE it. I can just hear your kiddos giggling away at that expression. What a fantastic idea.

    Shae at i{heart}edu

  11. This.is.amazing.

    My kids this year are...chatty...to say the least... and I am trying everything in my power to keep them listening and working! This idea is so original and I think would totally work for my kids! Thank you :)

    T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

  12. What a great idea!! Love that I can even use this in 2nd! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!

    Click to get 31 bags for 31% OFF!!
    The Learning Tree

  13. This is just the cutest idea ever! I love it! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Pixy Stix and Teacher Tricks

  14. I also get super excited when kids are really thinking or working. I just tell them they are "On My Train." The idea is that we're moving forward together, and they're not blocking the "tracks" or idea/problem.
    So, the same idea could be used with a laminated train. I'd probably just put magnets on the back of it. Your idea is visually stimulating. Is one of the rewards that the winners can take their shoes off all day in the classroom. Kids LOVE getting to take their shoes off.

  15. LOVE!

    I'm having a fall linky party/sale on Sept 22. Come link up and join the sale!


    Mrs. Wheeler’s First Grade
    Mrs. Wheeler TpT

  16. CUTE!
    Almost makes me want to go back and teach - well, not quite, but your idea is really cute! :)

  17. Oh my! This is such an amazing idea! Your students must get a kick out of it too ;)

    All Students Can SHINE
    I’m Having A Fall Linky Party!

  18. This totally reminds me of mystery motiviators. Love it!!!

  19. What a CUTE idea! I LOVE it! I have been following your blog and absolutely love it! I just started one- check it out teach2blossom.blogspot.com
    Grab a Halloween freebie!
    Thanks again for your great ideas!

  20. So precious! I would love for you to check out my blog. I am a kinder TX teacher too!

    Sprinkles to Kindergarten

  21. Well, I know what I'm doing this weekend! Shopping for super cute socks! How cute would it be to change the socks with the seasons ... sparkly pumpkin socks, here I come!

    Let's Get Fancy in First

  22. What an AWESOME and creative idea. I just pinned ya, thanks for sharing.

    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars

  23. What an adorable idea...you are so creative!

    Be sure and come enter my give away. Since you already have my blog on your blog roll, there is an entry right there...and a HUGE thank you for having my little ol' blog on your blog roll...I am still speechless that it is there. =)

    I would love for you to share about it on your blog or FB page or both!

    Thank you for been a blessing to me. =)

    Hugs and blessings,

    Heather's Heart

  24. Love the idea, too! I say..."Take out your mirror because you are lookin' good!" so I think I'll do it with a little plastic mirror and have the prize taped on the back. So cute!!

  25. This is too stinkin cute! How creative!


  26. Love your idea! I used to say that all the time when I was teaching! I had a pair of crazy striped socks with the toes separated (do they call them foot gloves, maybe??). I'd pull them out of my drawer and swing them in a circle over my head, with all of the kids giving out a great big, "Woo-hoo!" They never failed to check my feet when I got those socks out. :) Here's to keeping the fun in first grade!!!
    I love the way you extended the idea into a reward system, you smart cookie!

    Love your blog!

    Primary Inspiration

  27. SOOOOOO CUTE!!! I am in love with how unique, cute, and clever your ideas always are!!

    We sure love ya,
    Natalie and Rachelle

  28. Always LOVE your ideas! They are so cute and you are full of fresh, creative ideas! Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with others! You were one of the first blogs I began following and one of the reasons I first got into blogging! If you get a chance, I'd love for you to stop by sometime!

    First Grade in Foxwell Forest

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I love this! :) Trying it tomorrow!
