19 February 2011


Shannon {from Langston’s Learners} and Brooke {from Primary Perspective} awarded me with the Stylish Blogger Award.  Awww…thanks ladies!!  Stylish?!?!  I must have y’all fooled!  HA! 

Here are the rules for receiving this award:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 5 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.

7 things about myself:

1. I'm addicted to reality TV.  Top Chef, Jersey Shore, Hoarders, Teen Mom, Real Housewives...seriously addicted.

2. I was published in the Mailbox Magazine for a literacy/math idea.  Kinda exciting!!

3.  I get up at 5:15 Monday-Friday to work out at the gym BEFORE I go to school.  UGH.

4.  I passed out peanuts on a Southwest Airlines flight from Dallas to Houston one time.  I was dressed as a cow.  {Did I mention it was Halloween?!?!}

5.  I've been in love with Jack Nicholson for as long as I can remember.  Steven Tyler, too {you know I’m SO lovin’ American Idol this season!!!}

6. My most favorite song is “Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay,” by Otis Redding.

7. My husband proposed to me in my classroom in 2003.  I was teaching Kindergarten and he had me read a book to my kids.  The last page was a typewritten note from husby himself.  When I looked up from reading, he was down on one knee asking me to marry him! 

Now to pass this fun little award on to five of my favorite bloggers…

1.  Babbling Abby at The Inspired Apple

2.  Deanna Jump at Mrs. Jump’s Class

3.  Kathleen Pedersen at Growing Kinders

4.  Michelle Oakes at Fabulous in First

5.  Gladys at Teaching in High Heels


  1. I am passing on the Stylish Blogger Award to you. Thank you for making my blog so fabulous!


  2. Awe..thanks Cara. You have to go read my blog. Look what I made. I have to stay away from that little domestic blog of yours or I'm going to weight 500 pounds.

  3. My hubby proposed to me in my classroom too! He works in federal law enforcement and was giving my class a presentation about the three branches of government. He was showing the kids what happens when they interrogate, and he "interrogated" me with handcuffs on.... and with the question of, "Will you marry me?" Love it!

  4. I've awarded you with the Stylish Blogger Award. Click here for more info. http://mrswaddingham.blogspot.com/

  5. Hi Mrs. Carroll,
    I am also giving you the Stylish Blog Award. I think you're terrific. Thanks for the inspiration.

  6. I also awarded you the stylish blogger award. Love your blog! http://mrsleeskinderkids.blogspot.com

  7. Awww...you're so sweet! Thank you for my award!


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