17 February 2011

George Washington

We started learning a little about Presidents this week.  Our unit on money was the PERFECT intro!  Over the last few weeks, the kids have been learning all about coin identification & the Presidents on each…


First up, George Washington.  We read the perfect little biography that kept the kids really engaged.  They were fascinated by the fact that G. Dub didn’t go to school!!  How in the world was that even possible?!  We created a circle map and gathered tons of facts about our first President and then carried over our new learning into a little writing piece. 

We were reviewing statement & question sentences {using the correct punctuation} so I had my kids write one telling sentence & one question sentence including facts we learned from our reading.  I also had the kids make their own little George Washingtons using half a paper plate, flesh colored paint {orange & white paint mixed together ;)}, construction paper, & cotton balls.  They turned out pretty dang cute and I was so proud of their writing! 


It took NO time to cut out the hats {steps below} and the kids used construction paper to make the eyes, nose, & mouth.  The art piece to this little project was really pretty quick! 

For the hat…

Cut a 12x4 piece of blue construction paper


Fold in half {bring the left side over to the right}


Cut off the right side bottom corner {diagonally} and cut an upside-down triangle on the top.


Now open it up and VOILA!  George Dubya’s hat :)


More President’s Day activities to come!! 


  1. So cute! I will be adding this to my unit. I love your George Washingtons. :) I have a few presidents stuff on my blog if you want to check it out. Thanks for the ideas!

  2. So stinkin' cuuuute! I have to try the statement and question writing...we are reviewing this skill too.


  3. Love the money bubble maps. We are finishing up our unit on Presidents this week was well and my students were so intrigued by the fact that GW didn't go to school and Lincoln went for less than a year. They just couldn't wrap their little minds around it :)
    I have some George Washington's on my blog that turned out pretty darn cute if you want to check them out.

  4. Love the hats...so darn cute. We are starting money in 2nd grade next week and the coins are a perfect intro. Thanks for sharing:)

  5. I'd love to know the name of the biography on George that you read.

  6. I used to make those same little Georgies and forgot all about them! Too cute! We're just starting our money unit too--thanks for your ideas!

  7. Love your Georges! Very cute!


  8. Made the GW pcis this morning with my kiddos! They turned out so dang cute! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Love all of your ideas! Your blog rocks:) Thanks for sharing!!!I have a couple of Presidents Day centers/activities on my blog. I'd love for you to visit/follow me, too!


  10. My kiddos LOVED making these little George Washingtons!!! :) I'm going to adapt it for Abe Lincoln next week (we're a little behind with all the President's Day stuff....).

    Thanks for all your wonderful ideas!! And the pictures of your kids' work - I logged on and showed my class your students' samples. They loved it!!

  11. Girl... your ideas are tooo stinking cute! LOVE THESE! I'm going to try to make these with my kiddos on Monday since we have to go to make up for a snow day.

    Oh and by the way.....
    You won the stylish blogger award. Check it out here!


  12. Oh George we love you with your cute gray hair and your 3 point hat! Precious!!!!!

  13. This is a great idea! I will definitely use this:) -Rosa

  14. I must do this with my second graders! Maybe we can whip up some Abe Lincolns too! Thanks for the great idea!

    Katy Conradson

  15. I love this so much. We are totally going to be doing this - thank you SO much for sharing! :-)


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