12 February 2013

100th Day & Counting…and a couple of Freebies

I’m still in a little *shock* that the 100th day of school has come and gone.  My kids were SO excited about the monumentous milestone that they just couldn’t contain themselves.  My own little man talked about it for DAYS before it was time to celebrate!  Just take a look at this little 100th day cutie and that insanely interesting pose…


We started planning for the big day weeks in advance.  First up…planning our 100th day t-shirts.  Thanks to Pinterest, we had our mother/son idea in about 2.5 seconds.  And let me just say that we weren’t the only ones who went for this look!  HA!  AND…let me tell you that I totally phoned it in…thought glue dots would make this little homemade project faster, but WOW.  Didn’t really think that through too well.  We had eyes fallin’ off all over the place before we even made it to school!  There’s always next year :)



It was a JAMpacked day full of more than I can even remember!  We started off getting snazzed up with our sweet little 100th day duds…

100day3  100day4  100day5

Crowns courtesy of the darling Julie Lee {my kids were in LOVE!}.  They also loved bracelets and tally ties {from my little 100th day packet}…even the girls!  And ohmiword…you should’ve seen some of the DARLING shirts my kids wore to school.  SO stinkin’ cute & creative!!!

100day6  100day7  100day8

I mean, seriously…I even made it on a shirt!  One of her 100 favorite things! LOVE the creativity!!!!


Here’s just a little peek at some of the fun we had!

We rolled and rolled the die to cover 100 pennies.

100day12 100day13

We made our 100 day trail mix…scooped out 1/4 for each sweetie…then sorted and graphed what we scooped.  We had so much trail mix left over that the kids got to take home a baggie full of it!  The gift that keeps on giving :)

100day16  100day18

We made our 100 day mural…a big ol’ smart cookie!  Because that’s just what we are…a bunch of smart cookies! 

100day10  100day19

After we added 100 chocolate chips to our cookie, the kids got a chance to make their very own smart cookie {the template is in my 100th day packet}.  Then we wrote about our favorite day of the first 100 days {from Kathleen’s 100 day packet}.

100day20  100day246

And since they did such a great job writing, each of my little smarties got their very own “smart cookie” :)


We were even in a 100 day parade!  Too cute!  Here was my little man parading through the hallways…and in true Landon style, he REFUSED to look my way…stinker!


I’ve decided that this is definitely my most FAVORITE 100th day book!  Have you read it?!?!?!  It.is.PRECIOUS!!!  The illustrations are absolutely ADORABLE!  LOVE!!!!


We did SO much more that I didn’t document with a camera…so much infact that we spilled over our 100th day fun into the next week!  There was TOO much fun to be had!  If you’re interested in adding more to your 100 day stash, you can check out my 100th day unit in my little shop.


Alright…now moving on.  Speaking of books, do y’all read, “Will You Be My Valenswine?” by Teresa Bateman??  I LOVE that book!  Such a clever little play on words and the story is adorable. I decided to make a little Valentine craftivity to go along with a little text-to-self writing after we read this book and the kids thought it was SO much fun!  They loved this little piggy!!  And their writing was WONDERFUL!



You can download this little craftivity, the writing template, and a few little graphic organizers {free} by clicking the pic below! 


Here’s a SIMPLE little math game that my kids have been LOVING these last few days.  We like to call it “CARD ATTACK!”  Just removed all the heart cards from two decks of cards {hello, Dollar Tree!}.  Then go ahead and remove the face cards from the pile.  Basically, have the kids turn over two cards and then add the hearts together to come up with a sum.  SUPER simple and yet the kids go CRAZY for it.


I set out some little heart shaped beads for counters…just incase they needed a little extra tactile reinforcement.  We did this as a whole group activity and then I set it out for math desserts.  This is the first thing they choose to do when they finish with their math tubs!  Sometimes, the simpler the better :)  Click on the pic to download the recording sheet!


If you’re looking for some literacy activities to get you through the rest of the month, you can check out my newest packet here…


Now it’s time to scramble around and get ready for Valentine’s Day!  It’s usually one of my most favorite Hallmark holidays of the year, but this year I just can’t seem to get it together!  HA!!!  What are your plans?!?!?!?


  1. I love that Be Swine craftivity! Pigs are my second favorite animal. :) (My husband teases me for having a "second favorite animal" at all.) Pigs are just so cute! Thank you for the freebies! :)
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

  2. You matching shirts are too cute!!

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  3. Thank you for another great and adorable Valentine's Day activity. I bought your Splat mini-unit a couple of weeks ago. My kids loved it and they have gotten so many compliments on their Splats. I posted the pictures on my blog a couple of days ago.


    Ms. Richards's Musings

  4. That swine is adorable!!! Thanks for terrific freebies
    Finally in First

  5. Love all these ideas, can't wait to use them next year!

  6. I love everything about this post! Your kiddos are so lucky to have you! :) Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas!

  7. It looks like you had an amazing day! I want to do the giant cookie with my kids!

  8. The card game looks like lots of fun!
    Going Nutty!

  9. What a fabulously fun day! It all looks incredible!

  10. YOU knock MY socks off woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing with us!!!!!!!!!!!! Is that enough exclamation marks for you? No? OK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There ! is ! a ! few ! more !
    Teacher to the Core Blog

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. What a great post. Thanks for sharing all of your awesome ideas. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the 100 day shirts that you and your kids made, your 100 day packet is now on my wishlist. Thanks for the freebie, I'm going to use it with my kiddos this week.

    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars

  13. Your shirts are awesome and so are your games and snacks and your activities and... I think I could go on and on! Everything looks like so much fun! Great blog post!

  14. My plans are to survive!!! :) haha!
    My heart melted when I saw that precious piggy! Another craftivity to squeeze into my day!!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Your boy is simply adorable! Ah, too cute! Loved all the 100th day activities, those tally ties are awesome!

    I love the Jason Aldean/Miranda Lambert shout out!

    MOORE Fun In Kindergarten

  17. We did the 100th day yesterday in my student teaching classroom. I pretty much just pinned everything from this page for my classroom next year! You have the cutest crafts and activities and I think they would be a lot easier to control than what we did yesterday.

    Thank you for always sharing!!
    Kristine's Book Reviews

  18. I thought I had fun on the 100th Day! That stuff is amazing.

    I also love that book, it was too cute. I got it this month, for free, with the Storia app.

    Thanks for the great post and the freebie. (I loved the googly-eye shirt)

    You Might Be a First Grader...

  19. I loooove everything about this post! Thanks for all the ideas and for sharing your freebies!!

  20. I love your matching shirts! The 100 day ties are also adorable! Looks like your students had a blast!

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

  21. Those piggies are adorable!!! I have your 100th day pack of goodies ready to go for Friday ;)
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  22. thanks for the cute freebies...wish i had seen the swine valentine last week....but it will be saved for next year....or maybe i will just throw it in next week's writer's workshop anyway.
    like the card game too...i found some heart beads at the dollar store for my fact fluency workstations and had some left over...these can be used now.
    i appreciate you giving away cute, and complete activities.

  23. First grade doesn't celebrate the 100th day of school where I teach. It makes me (and the firsties) a bit sad to miss out on all of the fun! It looks like you guys had a great time and your shirts were adorable - even if eyes were falling off.

    Thank you for the freebies!

  24. Thank you so much for the adorable Valenswine freebie! I do a bunch of hogs & kisses themed valentine activities with my class & this will be perfect for next year!

  25. The tally tie...ADORABLE! My son would have absolutely LOVED that! When he was in first, he decorated his Valentine bag with tally marks! So him, my little math genius!

  26. I am amazed at how many different activities you have planned- It appears to me that this must me all you do. Sometimes when I look at all this stuff it just makes me overwhelmed. I admit that I do love it but have to ask? Just how do you keep the pace? I am a teacher of first grade but NEVER have this much stuff/activities going on with so much stuff. I also love coming to the blog world and getting wonderful ideas but my teaching buddies are always talking about "How do they do this and have any other type of life?" This is not meant to be critical- just honest questions about the pace, time, and focus it takes to pull all this together over and over and over. I consider myself very committed to my job and students and their learning but does it ever overwhelm you to keep this pace and then blog about it? Again- I appreciate all you do but just wonder how it all gets done!

    1. Oh, girl! I don't think you're being critical at all! I know I've said it before, but it bears repeating...what y'all see on the blog is only the "highlight reel" :). I can assure you I have a life outside of school. I love spending time with my boys, having lunch dates and moms night outs with my girls, and long moonlit walks on the beach ;) I kid. But seriously....I don't feel overwhelmed. I don't blog as often as I'd like to, but family comes first :) I think it's all about time management...after 11 years in the classroom, I think I'm finally getting the hang of that! Ha!! I've been asked this question before, so I think this would be a great topic for an upcoming post! Have a great weekend!

  27. This is adorable!
    Love your blog and ideas. Thanks for sharing :)


  28. Those tally ties are so cute! I am pinning them to my Just January pin board with all my 100th day ideas! Thank you!



  29. Thank you so much for the Card Attack freebie! I love all your 100th Day ideas also!! :)
    Mrs. Black's Bees

  30. Hi~
    Do you have a letter to send home that explains the 100th Day shirts? :)LOVE it
