19 February 2013

Rewind. Just a Little.

Who else thinks Valentine’s Day rivals the craziness of Halloween?!?!  The chaos would explain my absence from the blog last week. I needed a little break!  Here are a few things that kept us busy last week…

Y’all might remember this little probability activity I did with my firsties a couple of years ago.  My kinderbabies LOVED it!!!  And they loved eating the candy afterward, too!

valentine1  valentine2

Found this PRECIOUS Valentine idea from Polka Dots & Puppies and decided it would be the perfect little *sweet treat* for my kids this year.  They were SO excited!  I mean seriously…who doesn’t love bubbles?!?!


Speaking of Valentines, I decided to make these little gems for my boys to give to their friends on Valentine’s Day.  I actually had the boys scour my Valentine Pinterest board and find something they wanted to give their friends.  I thought this would take 30 minutes or so…NOT.  That’s the last time I let them pick!!  But dangit, they turned out so darn cute and the boys were ECSTATIC!!!!


I found these fun little conversation heart stickers at the Dollar Spot at Target before the holiday and decided to use some of them for a fun little graphing activity.


How many letters are in your conversation?!  My kids LOVED this activity!!!! 

valentine5  valentine6

And of course, who could pass up these dollar spot mailboxes?!  I mean, seriously…ADORABLE!!!!!  I think I bought about 8.  Then I went back and bought 2 more so that my boys could give wrap their teachers’ Valentine gifts inside.  I put a few of them to use in one of our literacy stations last week and it was a hit!


As if this post wasn’t ADD enough for you already, it’s about to go off on a whole other tangent. I had a few friends ask about my Daily Dish and wanted to know what other writing activities I have my kids do on the days we don’t do Writer’s Workshop or Daily Dish.  Here’s a little {old} example!  I meant to share this last month, but the name of the game is REWIND, so let’s go with it.

valentine9  valentine10


If you’re living in the Houston area…and you’re not busy on Sunday…sweet Lindsay Noren over at My Life as a Third Grade Teacher is hosting a little blogger lunch at The Cheesecake Factory in the Galleria. 


I’ll be there!  Will you?!?!? 


  1. I wish I would be there...but Chicago's a bit of a way from Houston!

    Adore those conversation hearts...that's a fun manipulative. I swear I lose control in the Target dollars section! I tried finding those mini-bubbles, but gave up after Target #3...we just did melted crayon hearts for the boys' classes.

    Take care,

  2. I will probably be in Houston this weekend! I should try to meet up!

    1. We would love for you to come... Please email me if you are able to make it! noren.lindsay@gmail.com

      My Life as a Third Grade Teacher

  3. It would be awesome to meet up but I live pretty far from Texas :) It sounds like so much fun!
    I hope they have those conversation hearts next year. I love Target!

  4. I have no power over the magnetic pull of the Target Dollar section! It does not matter if I have a designated list or not, as soon as I enter Target... it's straight to the dollar section! I create centers and decorate my classroom with those goodies. We should probably get a discount for how much we promote and use that section... :)

  5. Ha ha... I had to snag some of those mailboxes for a station too!! Your boys' valentines turned out so cute--FUN!
    Karen :o)
    Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten

  6. I would love to spend Valentines in your classroom! It would be the FUNNEST day ever spent!

    Amy Howbert
    Little Miss Organized

  7. Love the idea with the mailboxes. I haven't often looked at those and wondered what I could do with them. Thanks for the fun post.

  8. Those mailboxes are so adorable, what a great find! I would have to agree, Valentine's sure was crazy this year!

    Love to Learn

  9. Squirrel! LOL!

    It's always fun to take a peek in your room :)

  10. Love the Conversation hearts graphing! I love those little bubbles. I carry some in my purse all the time and give them out at airports, the grocery store, etc (when little ones (or their parents) are struggling with the outing. It works like magic!
    Granny Goes to School

  11. We also love the Conversation heart graphing!! It is a great way to add in some Valentine's Day fun to math time!

    :) Tamra and Sarah @ First Grade Buddies

  12. Our first grade team had the same conversation about the craziness and amount of candy rivaling Halloween. Whew, glad it's over.
    Cute dollar mailbox activities. I bought a few and haven't put them to work in class. So many possibilities...thanks for the idea.


  13. Oh, I would love to go to the meet up. I am in Austin, so a little to far says Mr. Hubs. Womp womp. :/ You all have oodles of fun!

    Sprinkles to Kindergarten

  14. ohmygosh! Your Valentine's are super cute. Looks like your kiddos had a blast! =)

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

  15. Such a cute idea with those mailboxes!!!!

    I'm so glad you are coming this weekend. I've been following you forever!

    My Life as a Third Grade Teacher

  16. I made the same superhero valentines for my son's preschool class! He chose them and I said yes, thinking I'd have to make, maybe 12...I had to make 36! The hubs and I stayed up until 1am but we got them done and they were adorable! Then he said, "You should make those again for his upcoming 4th birthday party". Umm, no thanks! :)

  17. I am obsessing with those mailboxes. I am going to see if I can find some for some compound word activities! =)

    You always have such cute ideas and finds. I need to go shopping with you. =)

    Heather's Heart

  18. Gosh, this is the first time I thought, Valentines Day is right up there with Halloween, it was gosh darn crazy this year!!! It didn't help that we got socked with 31 inches of snow, major blizzard a few days before, had no school for a day and our schedule was wayyyy off and then hundreds day was the day after! PHEW! I am def. going to re-do how I did things for next year! LOVE your blog!

  19. Cara,

    It was great to meet you today! What a small world that your mom went to school with my husband. He remembered her well. He said that she was a real sweetie (just like you!) I hope that our group can continue to meet up. And--keep posting those cool outfits, especially the shoes. I like your style!

    Chat with you soon,
    Barbara Balius

  20. I am wishing I had snagged more of the mailboxes from the dollar store to sock away for next year. That is such a cute idea and I am definitely doing the conversation heart graph next year. Thanks for sharing so many cute ideas!

  21. I love how excited kids get about holidays like Valentine's day! It makes for an exciting week at school. You can jazz up a lot of otherwise routine activities by making them holiday themed. It is such a nice change.
