13 October 2012

I Know A Fruit That Grows on Trees

Have I mentioned that I have a serious obsession with apples??  I don’t know if you agree with me, but apples always taste better this time of year. I have a board FULL of apple{ish} recipes I pinned and I’m going to *try* to make {at least} half of them.  I’ll also be shopping for a new {larger} wardrobe in the process ;)  Even though we’re still rockin’ the 80-90 degree temps down here in the south,  I’m definitely feeling the Fall weather in my heart ;)

My absolute most FAVORITE apple has got to be  the {ridiculously expensive} honey crisp.  I could eat one every.single.day {if I didn’t think I’d go into bankruptcy}.  Seriously…why are they so stinkin’ expensive?!   My *newest* obsession is Yoplait’s limited edition apple crisp yogurt.  TO.DIE.FOR!!!!!!  Y’all…if you haven’t tried it yet, you MUST!  Especially if you’re an apple lover like me :)

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I never shared with y’all some of our apple fun, so I thought I’d take this semi-relaxing Saturday morning to show y’all what we’ve been up to.

We’ve done a lot of informal graphing activities, but I used Deanna Jump’s Apple Unit to really dig deep and teach the kids about bar graphs and picture graphs.  Eeeek!!!  They are doing SO well!!!!  I followed up our Apple graphing with some Fire Safety graphing from Kim Adsit’s Fire Safety Unit {amazing, by the way}.  I LOVE that my kids are able to tell me the difference between a bar graph & picture graph and we’re even starting to understand WHY creating & reading graphs is so helpful for understanding data.

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We’ve been talking a lot about labeling and we followed up some of our discussions with a little apple labeling activity.  My babies did SO well!!!   Last year, I had my kids assemble the little apple craft and then write their own labels.  My kids are working toward that now and they’re doing SO awesome! 

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We’ve also been learning about making lists….SO, we made a list of different things that can be made from apples…apple juice, apple pie, applesauce, etc. We talked about some of our favorites then I had the kids choose one thing to use in their writing on a little “apple man”. Love. This would’ve been fun to do as a glyph, but I wasn’t thinking that far ahead! HA!

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Speaking of making lists, we just started *Top It* on Friday.  This is just a little activity where the kids make a list of all the words they know how to write…and they’ve got 10 minutes to do it!  Y’all…I was SO proud of my babies!  They did AWESOME!  I forgot how much I really do LOVE Kindergarten…they make such HUGE strides and progress in such a short amount of time…it’s always so amazing to see!  At the beginning of the year, we assessed our kids on letter identification & sound.  I re-assessed them before report cards went home yesterday and ohmiword…I almost started crying.  Two of my sweeties who started the year not knowing many letters and hardly any letter sounds knew them ALL!!!!!  Did you hear me scream?!?!  Yes, ALL!!!  I couldn’t be more excited for them  and they were SO proud of themselves.  Moments like those remind me why I love teaching this age!  Truly awesome!

Now we’re gearing up for the weeks ahead.  Bats, spiders, pumpkins, and Halloween.  Not to mention the 50th day of school and the election!  If you’re looking for a few more ideas to add to your teaching bank, here are a few resources that might be helpful.

Slide1  Slide1

We had SO much fun on the 50th day of school last year!!!  You can read all about it HERE and see how I used some of my activities in the classroom.  And even though we weren’t close to an election in February, we learned all about the election process and even had a mock election based on some popular presidential themed children’s books.  FUN!  Looking forward to these next few weeks of fun and learning!!!  This time of year is ALWAYS my favorite!!  Okay, well this time of year and the end of May ;)  Now I’m off to finish decorating the house for Halloween.  I’m WAY behind this year and Mr. Spouse is {im}patiently waiting for me to clear the boxes out of the kitchen!  Here’s what I have so far…

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I swear I’ll get it done today.  I swear I’ll get it done today.  I swear I’ll get it done today.  But in all honesty, this is my life….


Makes me laugh every.single.time. 

Have a great weekend, sweet friends!


  1. Haha that eCard is hilarious! And your house looks adorable for Halloween! We finished up our apple unit a couple of weeks ago (I teach Kindergarten): we did an apple labeling project similar to yours, as well as an apple graph (by color) and taste test. We were also doing fall the same week AND it was a crazy week full of other school activities. I l-o-v-e fall units and apple units, I wish there was more time to do everything I wanted to do!

  2. My firsties and I LOVE your pint sized presidential unit last year!! I can't wait to do it agian in November! And thanks for sharing the yoplait apple crisp. I WILL be looking for that because I love me some apples too!

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  3. I looove that E-Card. I sent it every ADD fried I have, which is pretty much all of them.

    Your Halloween decorations look adorable!

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

  4. I recently posted about a stained glass apple craft that I did with my kiddies. Super easy, super cute! Maybe you can use it next year! Come by and check it out. Here is the link:


    First Grade with a Cherry on Top

  5. Honeycrisp apples are the BEST!!! My 5 year old says that are just awesome :)

  6. Honeycrisp apples are the BOMB. I own your President unit and loved it! I can't wait to hold a mock election with Duck for President.

  7. That Ecard cracks me up! I am loving your Halloween display with the 31. So creative and festive!

  8. Have you ever had apples and peanut butter? Deee-lish!!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  9. Your kiddies have been so busy! We are just about to review data and graphing, I hope my kiddies do as well as yours! Love your mantel display!
    Good Morning Mrs Rubie

  10. I am IN LOVE with that yogurt also! And I don't even really care for yogurt,I force myself to eat it. But that stuff, no forcing needing!

  11. I LOVE it all!!! Oh, and I'm still dying to get my hot little hands on a copy of the instructions for the shelves Mr. Spouse made for you.
    Ms. Solano's Kindergarten

  12. Love, Love, LOVE the little apples craft!! Too cute!

    Hope Kindergarten is treating you well this year {I, too, moved down to K from 1st this year}!
    Beg, Borrow, Steal

  13. Oooh, I love Honey Crisps, but my favorite apple is the Pink Lady/Cripp's Pink. So good!

    Love the pictures from your classroom. Good luck with the decorating!

    Alicia @ Today's Objective

  14. Will you please come decorate my house?

  15. How do you find the time to decorate your house????

    Granny Goes to School

  16. The amazing rapid growth is my favorite part about K too!! LOVE LOVE!

    Your A.D.D. poster thing.... HILARIOUS!! But sooooo very true!! Thanks for the laugh! LOVE!


  17. Hi Cara!

    I just posted about your fabulous blog for the "You've been Boo'd" linky party hosted by the 2nd Grade Pad! You were the first blog I started following and I just appreciate you so much! As a special treat to celebrate you and your blog, I'd love to offer you a free item of your choosing from my store: Foxwell Forest TPT Store

    Just comment back and let me know!
    Thanks again for sharing your creativity and gifts with others!
    First Grade in Foxwell Forest

  18. Cara... You've been BOO-ed! Have fun and pass it along! Check it out here:
