24 July 2012

Christmas in July :)

When it is hot and humid outside, sometimes you have to think cold!
So here is the deal:  Seasonal items have been placed on sale for JUST ONE DAY!  Grab some Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter fun!

A huge thank you to Babbling Abby for making this adorable picture!

NOTE:  Teachers Pay Teachers will be off line on Wednesday until 9am, so sadly there will be no earlier birds...
Do you want to participate?  Quickly link up over at Blog Hoppin and let everyone know!


  1. how exciting!




  2. Very exciting! Do you know if back to school items count as seasonal or is it just for holiday items?

  3. Gotta love sales! Can't wait to get some things for this school year. Is it crazy that I'm thinking about Christmas already??? Oh and saw on facebook that it's your b-day! Have a great day!


    A Tale of 2 First Grades

  4. I just did the Color Run in Michigan this past weekend. Don't worry about running. Most of the people were walking. I walked and it goes so fast. Before you know it you are done. Check out my blog for some pics. It was a blast!

  5. Bummer.... I can't get to the TPT website. It's after 3pm and the site is still under maintenance.

  6. I can't get Teachers Pay Teachers to work, it continues to say that it's being updated! I thought it was going to be up and running at 9 a.m. I really want to hit up your wonderful sales!

  7. I even made purchases and TPT didn't show it! :( I hope you extend your sale, please!

    Thank, Kelli
