30 January 2011

Inventors & Inventions

This past week we started wrapping up our study on Inventors & Inventions in Science/Social Studies.  I guess I underestimated the interest my kids would have in the subject because they were SO into it!!  We started by learning about a few very important inventors…Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, and The Wright Brothers.  We made a little anchor chart for the kids to refer to throughout our little unit of study.


After we learned about each inventor, I had the kids add to their “Inventors and their Inventions” notebook. 

{click the pic to download}


I forgot to take pics, but after we studied Alexander Graham Bell, we made tin can phones.  We asked parents for clean can donations.  The kids got to experiment with the phones to see if they really worked…and they did!!  They LOVED this activity!!

When we learned about Thomas Edison, we talked about what life would be like if there were no light.  I had the kids do some creative writing using the prompt, “If there were no light…”.  The responses were hilarious!!  I had them add their writing to their science notebooks.

After we learned about the Wright Brothers, the kids made paper airplanes and tested them out to see which flew the furthest, fastest, longest, etc.  It didn’t surprise me that they loved that the most!

The kids were so interested in inventors and inventions that they wanted to research a lot of inventions that we’re using today…toilets, cars, pianos, microwaves, etc.  We brainstormed a HUGE list of things that we wanted to learn more about and we talked about SMART researching on the Internet…always research with a parent!!!!  I had to STOP dead in my tracks when we were researching more info about the toilet.  In BIG bold letters, one of the sites said that Thomas CRAPPER was the inventor of the toilet.  Now, while this is sorta true, I didn’t think the parents would really enjoy the idea of me using the word “Crapper” in my classroom.  Anyhow, we added these inventors and their inventions to our anchor chart so that we could use the info when we learn about timelines this week.

Finally, as our culminating activity, I had the kids make up their own inventions.  Their job was to invent something that would make life easier.  They had to draw their inventions and write about them and then present them to the class.  I was SO super impressed!!!


Now it’s on to past, present, future and TIMELINES!!  Woo hoo!!

In other news, I just added a new unit to TpTThe Great Coin Collection!!  An 88 page coin-based unit filled with 20 games and hands-on activities.  It’s on sale for $6 through Groundhog Day and then it’ll go back up to it’s original price ($9). 


Click on the pic for your freebie and head on over to TpT to grab 18 more games & hands-on activities :)


  1. I love your inventors/inventions unit! All such fabulous ideas. Your coin collections unit came just in time for me. We're starting that unit right now. :)

  2. Oh. my. gosh!! I absolutely LOVE your inventors and inventions unit! We will be learning about this soon...what a great resource you have provided! Thanks!

  3. Do you have the light bulb writing activity available for print? I love it!!

  4. I was wondering the same thing about the lightbulb printable. That would be great to have. LOVE THIS!!!!


  5. I love love love this inventors activity!!! Thank you so much for this, I've been thinking all weekend about what my students were going to focus on for Black History and this is IT! I too would love a copy of the light bulb printable.

    Thanks so much

  6. Love the inventors/inventions activity! I was also wondering if the light bulb writing activity would be available.

    I purchased The Great Coin Collection from TPT earlier today and I love it!


  7. Love it! This is so great and just in time for my class too! I would love to have the inventor's writing....the kiddos would just love it!

  8. I, too, HIGHLY recommend this purchase! Cara has gone above and beyond, y'all!!!! You'll love it!

  9. I'm so glad to see a social studies post! Thanks for sharing. What a great resource!


  10. YAY! Thanks for this idea! :) Cute of course! I never get anything less than fabulous!

  11. The coin unit is the best one I have EVER purchased. Every activity is clear, concise, not too cute, and doesn't require tons of color copying and laminating. Every page is useful!!!

    I too would love the light bulb download. Inventors. . .here we come.

  12. How did you make those light bulbs? I would love to do this activity this week, but I'm not sure how to do this.

  13. I would love to know how your experience on Teachers Pay Teachers has been. I signed up for an account long ago, but never put anything on there. Do you get many orders? Do you think they come mostly through your blog, or are there a lot of people who search TPT?

  14. I tried downloading your inventors unit, but I just see blank pages on Google. Did you remove the unit? (Sorry I'm late. I'm just now catching up on my blog reading.)
    Thanks for sharing your creative ideas.

  15. Never mind. I had a problem with Google Docs. I quit and then signed back in and everything worked fine. Ahh, technology is great except when it doesn't do what you want! Thanks for the unit.

  16. I bought "the great coin collection" and I love every activity!!! Thanks for all your hard work!! Thanks also for having me in your blogroll!! I was checking my stats this weekend and I am getting a lot of traffic from your amazing blog:)
    A Place Called Kindergarten

  17. I just came across your light bulb activity. We are working on our inventors/biography unit. Do you have a copy of the lightbulb activity??

  18. How do I save and print the google docs?

  19. I would also love a copy of the light bulb worksheet. I'm teaching about inventors right now during summer school and was planning on having the kids write about their own inventions next week. This would be so perfect! Thanks!

  20. I love the idea of creating their own inventions! Do you have the template for the lightbulb and bubble somewhere? I would love to use it with my 4th graders!

  21. I would love a copy of the light bulb! judith_davis@allenisd.org

  22. I want the light bulb too! kturner@richton.k12.ms.us
    Do you still have it??

  23. Is it possibly to get a stencil of the lightbulb and bubble? akonkle@springboro.org
    Thank you!

  24. I would love a copy of the lightbulb and bubble pattern!! Where can I find it? marislappe@gmail,com

  25. I would also love a copy of the lightbulb and bubble pattern please :-)

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. CAn I have the light bulb writing? nvanzuiden@riverbendschools.net

  28. I would love the light bulb writing activity too! Love your blog and your activities!

    1. sorry forgot email address sharon.shaw@lcschools.org

  29. I would love the light bulb writing activity too! Love your blog and your activities!

  30. I would love a copy of the light bulb activity. What a great idea!

  31. I would LOVE a copy of the light bulb activity. Thank you in advance!! romfo@fultonschools.org

    Jean Romfo

  32. So great! Can I please have a copy of your light bulb writing sheet? Thanking you from Amsterdam.

    Thanks, Marta


  33. I am a student teacher and I just came across your blog. I love all of your ideas! If you have it to share, I would love a copy of the light bulb invention activity for next week. Here is my email: rcolwell@daltonstate.edu

    Thank you,
    Ravenna Colwell

  34. Love your light bulb for inventions!! Can you please send me a copy? Thank you! rizzot@flaglerschools.com

  35. I would love a copy of the light bulb writing! Thanks so much! allison_moore@ecboe.org

  36. Hi Cara,
    I would love copy of the light bulb you have pictured here on the page, is that possible.

  37. Could you please send me a copy of the light bulb? Thanks! donnanichols.dcs@gmail.com

  38. I searched TPT for your inventors/inventions unit. Is it still available?

  39. when I am searching about Invention Ideas Website. I found Your blog content.this is absolutely valuable and right. Images and content are very nice and informative.thanks for sharing it.

  40. Thoughtful discussion . I Appreciate the insight . Does someone know where my assistant might be able to get ahold of a template a form copy to fill out ?

    1. Hello Reynaldo Rivas. my colleague pulled a template a form version using this http://pdf.ac/4ubNWm or www.sbaonline.sba.gov

  41. I would love a copy of the light bulb template.

  42. Hi,
    I would love a copy of the light bulb template.
    Thanks so much,

  43. Hi- Thank you for sharing... is there anyway I could get the lightbulb template? Thank you!

  44. I would love a copy of the lightbulb template! I have been trying to find an interesting way to do inventors and inventions. This is perfect. Thank you for sharing your amazing ideas. stauffer.rebekah@gmail.com
