27 January 2011

Celebrity of the Week

When I found out I would be moving from 2nd down to 1st last year, the wheels immediately started turning.  I’d had a jungle theme in my room for several years, so I was ready for a change…and I knew “Hollywood” was the way to go!  Last year, my star of the week was aptly named King/Queen of the Jungle.  This year, my kiddos get to be “Celebrity of the Week”…and they LOVE IT!  I have a special little celebrity corner decorated with paper lamps and pics of Disney stars, and a special celebrity chair that only the honorees are allowed to use {for the week}.  Can I just tell you how much I love this chair?!  I *might* have a chair obsession {my husband can attest to this} and I found this little beauty at one of my favorite antique shops for a whopping $15!!  SOLD!


Here’s a little breakdown of the week’s events.  I can’t take credit for this format, however…I got the idea from Mrs. Madden.  I LIVED on her site when I taught 2nd grade!!  LOVE her! I changed & added a few things to better suit my class, but I got a lot of the week’s ideas from her!  If you’re interested in this format, you can download and editable version on her site.


I send home an “All About Me” poster the Friday before the big week and the Celebrity gets to share the finished product with the class on Monday.  Then I spell out his/her name {first & last} with magnetic letters and I have the kids help me manipulate them to make new words.  We record all the new words on chart paper and then I use them to make a Wordle to give to the celebrity on Friday.


On Tuesday, the kids bring in an item for show & tell…whatever they want as long as it’s not inappropriate or dangerous :)

On Wednesday, the celebrity brings in his/her favorite book to read to the class.  Typically, the celebrity’s parent(s) will come in and read to us…our own celebrity reader!  And my kids LOVE when they bring non-fiction books!  Crazy, but true!

Thursday is “friends & family” day.  The celebrity can bring in pictures and family keepsakes to share with the class.  I love this day because the kids are so proud to share a little piece of themselves with everybody…and they LOVE bringing in their coolest pictures to show-off which inevitably lead into some pretty big stories!! 

Friday is probably my favorite day of the week!  The celebrity’s parents come in to have lunch with him/her on the stage and then come back to the classroom for a little “Wall of Fame” ceremony.  This doesn’t last too long…maybe 5-10 minutes at the most, but it’s an awesome way for the kids to finish off their special week!

I cut out large stars {which I really stink at doing} and write their name at the top.  When it’s time for the “ceremony”, the celebrity autographs the star & dates it.


Then I paint their little palms and have them stamp their handprints…just like they do in Hollywood!


And of course, the paparazzi has to get the money shot, too! 



This has turned out to be such a hit!  I hang all the stars on my “Wall of Fame” right above their cubbies.  On Fridays, the celebrity also gets to take home his/her Wordle and a poster signed by all of our classmates.  Unfortunately, I guess I forgot to take pics of that, but you can check out the idea on Mrs. Madden’s site…I HAD to borrow that idea because it was just TOO cute not to do!  And the kids LOVE it!! 


I’d love to hear how you celebrate your stars!!! 


  1. LOVE the star with the handprints! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love this!!!
    Do you think 3rd graders would love it?
    I am hosting a link up (first time) on my blog today. TEACHER TALK THURSDAY. Take a peek if you get a chance.

  3. Basically I think this idea is to die for! It makes me want to change my theme next year to hollywood!!!!!!


  4. This is adorable... one thing i do to add to it.. my kids each write a letter to our "star of the week" and I make book each Friday for the "Star" to take home and have!"

  5. I have an ocean theme- so I do starfish of the week. I designed it very similar to yours. On Monday, I send the starfish backpack home with the starfish. Tuesday they bring their favorite book from home, Wednesday is share day, Thursday is family day- they bring pictures and a note written from someone in their family. On Fridays we make a poster for them- all the kids write down something they like or enjoy about the starfish and we all sign it. I print their name out in clipart font and laminate it for them to keep at home. They LOVE this.

  6. This is so cute! I love the wall of fame, how creative! I'm sure all of your students feel so important in your class!
    I love your schedule but what do you do if the student isn't able to participate or forgets something on one of the days? I have a lot of kiddos that don't have much help from mom & dad at home and I don't think they would be able to complete some of those tasks...

  7. Love the wordle idea. I do Sailor of the Week and incorporate many of the same ideas. Monday they bring in 12 photos to show off their personality and family. They get to share the pictures which go on our board. Tuesday we read their favorite book from home. Wednesday the parents write a letter why their student is so special to them. Older brother and sister write letters too and the kids love this part. Thursday they get an award but I think I'll change part by having the kids all sign it. Friday the parent comes in to eat with the child. Love all your ideas.

  8. I love this theme! I really plan to do this next year. Thanks for sharing!!

  9. What a great way to start the year so the kids can all get to know eachother! And i bet they feel pretty special after their week:) Just wondering if it would be possible for you to upload the template for the "Find out all about me" poster??

    1. The poster is available here http://printables.scholastic.com/printables/detail/?id=30348&query=about+me&N=0&Ntk=printables_minibooks&Ntt=about+me&_fq=fff&No=0&spellcheck=false

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