16 August 2016

Social Studies & Such

Hey y'all!  Is everybody surviving the back to school rush?  My boys know who their teachers are and we're meeting them tomorrow night so they're all kinds of excited! (ME TOO!!!!)

Lots of things have been happening behind the scenes here that have been keeping me unexpectedly busy (that's life, right?!), but I wanted to pop-in real quick to tell you a little bit about my newest resources for my K & 1st teachers.

After we released several months worth of Science plans in the Spring, we received lots of emails asking if we were planning on creating a similar Social Studies resource filled with detailed lesson plans and cross curricular suggestions and ideas.  I loved that idea and quickly got to work laying out an outline for the school year.  I went to our state standards (in Texas we use TEKS) and worked on aligning those standards with the national social studies standards for K-1.  Many of the standards for K-1 overlap in certain areas, but I thought it was important to make sure that these resources were separate to target specific grade level objectives.  So unlike The Science Of resources that are a K-1 combo, these social studies resources for K-1 are separate

 So for those of you that have been emailing asking if social studies is ready, well now it is!  The first unit anyway :)    Sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience and understanding!!!

Simply Social Studies is similar to The Science Of... in regards to the detailed lesson plans, book suggestions, cross-curricular connections, vocabulary cards, craftivities, and anchor chart ideas.  And just like The Science Of..., you can use as much or as little of each lesson as best fits the needs of your class!!!

The first unit of Simply Social Studies is all about citizenship. The first unit of  Kindergarten Social Studies focuses on being a good citizen while the First Grade Unit dives deeper into the concept of good citizenship.  Both the Kindergarten and First Grade Unit 1 resources include vocabulary cards and discussion questions for each lesson.  I like to keep my vocabulary cards on a ring so that I can carry them with me and use them during transitions and whatnot.

Detailed lesson plans include objectives, vocabulary, ELA & Math extensions, as well as a "materials needed" list for quick reference...

...and each lesson also includes an optional review/assessment printable that can be completed in a whole group/small group or independent setting.

Just like in The Science Of resources, book suggestions are also included for each lesson in the unit as well as anchor chart suggestions and accompanying craftivities.  While book suggestions are included, they are by no means necessary for the success of the lesson.  That to be said, I do feel strongly about including read alouds in your lessons (whatever books you choose!!!) to help your kids make deeper connections and build a more authentic understanding of the content.  

And as usual, cross curricular activities and suggestions  for further skill & concept implementation.

As the year progresses, more Simply Social Studies units will be added...as well as four mini-units!!!...so be on the lookout for those.  

Here's what that will look like...

Kindergarten (to be added)...
Unit 2:  Alike & Different
Unit 3:  Community Helpers
Unit 4:  Basic Needs & Going to Work
Unit 5:  On the Map
Unit 6:  Where We Live
Unit 7:  Technology & How We Live

First Grade (to be added)...
Unit 2:  Families & Communities
Unit 3:  Basic Needs, Wants, & Family Provisions
Unit 4:  On the Map
Unit 5:  Where We Live
Unit 6:  Inventors & Inventions
Unit 7:  Basic Economics
Unit 8:  Technology at Home & Work

Mini-Units for K&1 (to be added)
Mini-Unit 1:  Choosing a Leader (Elections & Voting)
Mini-Unit 2:  Thanksgiving History, Customs, & Traditions
Mini-Unit 3:  Holidays Around the World
Mini-Unit 4:  Celebrating America

And unfortunately, I don't have completion dates available NOR do I have plans for a growing bundle!  As I've learned over the last few years, life is just TOO unpredictable and I would hate not to be able to fulfill a commitment on time!!!  

Have a FABULOUS day!


  1. Oh I hope (wish/pray) that you are thinking about doing this for 2nd grade!!! I would buy the bundle RIGHT NOW!!! :)

    1. Me too!! I would LOVE to have this in my 2nd grade classroom!
