14 February 2014

5 for Friday...The Valentine Edition

Happy Valentine's Day, y'all!!  Do you like to celebrate?!  Or do you think this is a pretty hokey 'holiday'?!  Honestly, I love it.  And like I said before, it's not because of the "lovey-dovey" idea behind it all.  It's just so darn nostalgic for me.  I mean, were elementary school Valentine parties the best or what?!

This week I'm linking up with sweet Kacey over at Doodle Bugs Teaching for her weekly 5 for Friday linky.

1.  Tell me this isn't the most precious thing you've ever seen.  Of course, I found the idea on Pinterest.  I'm not giving credit to Pinterest because Pinterest didn't create it, but I saw about 5 of these minion boxes at the same time and quite frankly I don't know who to give credit to!  You can check out the original links on my Happy Heart Day pinboard.  He was SO excited!!  He said, "Thith ith THO funny!  Thankth momma!"  He was so proud of that thing!  
We gave the  boys' teachers little boxes of brownie mix and a spatula.  I found the gift tag printables HERE.  Lauren McKinsey might have the cutest little shop EVER.  Just sayin'. If you haven't seen her stuff yet, you're definitely missing out!!!!

2.  Before I went to bed last night, I set out a little buffet of deliciousness for Mr. Spouse.  He was leaving before I was this morning and I wanted to do a little something sweet for him.  My boys helped me prep the little basket of goodies.  They were SO excited to show daddy what mommy did for him!  HA!  Again, I found the idea for these on Pinterest...I just took a whole bunch of different ideas I pinned and combined them into one little package.  I had a few friends on Instagram ask about the tags.  I made them and if you are ever in need, you can download them HERE or click on the pictures below.  They're not fancy, but they do the trick!  

I love you to pieces ~ Reese's Pieces 
You make my heart do FLIPZ ~ chocolate covered pretzels {Flipz}
You are SO hot ~ Hot Tamales, Hot Cheetos...my husband likes Cholula, so that's what he got!
I love your Sweet Heart ~ box of Sweethearts
Donut what I'd do without you ~ donuts
My heart goes POP for you ~ popcorn
I'm yours...hook, line, & sinker ~ Gummy worms/sour gummy worms
I love everything you DEW for me ~ Mountain Dew
There are a million RIESENS why I love you ~ Riesens {You could also change Riesens to Raisins and pop in some chocolate covered raisins or something like that}
I love you because you're such a GOOBER ~ box of Goobers
You're all that and a bag of CHIPS ~ bag of chips :)
You were MINT for me ~ Junior Mints
If I had it to do all over again, I'd CHEWS you ~ gum
I'm CRAZY in love with you ~ crazy straws
I'm NUTS about you ~ jar of peanuts...but any nut will do ;)
You are such a CATCH ~ box of Swedish Fish

3.  I've never met a chocolate covered anything I don't just love.  These strawberries are no exception.  We had a "Choc-luck" buffet of chocolate goodies in the lounge today and I took one too many trips to the fondue station.  Ohmiword.  To die for.

4.  We made these paper plate hats today and the kids thought they were hilarious.  Can you tell why this one was my favorite?!

5.  Mr. Spouse and I seriously don't ever go out of our way to do anything particularly special on Valentine's Day.  He used to send me flowers, but I begged him to stop because A) they're WAY overpriced on Valentine's Day...B) I'm too cheap to waste the money...and C) I've got a black thumb...live plants don't last more than a few hours in my care.  
Today was a bit of a surprise.  I emailed Mr. Spouse during my conference time this morning to tell him how sad I was that one of my special little friends moved out of town. Like, lots of tears kind of sad.  He emailed me back a bit later to tell me he left a pick-me-up in my car.  That usually translates to a big Sonic drink, so imagine my surprise when I opened up my car door to find these waiting for me.....

Somebody earned some MAJOR brownie points today!!!  HA!

Hope y'all had a great Valentine's Day!  Now it's time for a big, greasy dinner full of burgers and fries!  Sounds like a PERFECT way to end the day!!  

Have a GREAT weekend!!!


  1. I love your new boots!! Such a pretty color!

    My Crazy Life

  2. I love the paper plate heart hats! So easy and so cute! Thanks for sharing!

  3. What a great hubby! He must have been really paying attention to have been able to pick out such adorable rain boots! You're too cute with surprising him in the morning with the buffet filled of goodies & love... your household sure knows how to do Valentine's Day!

    I is for Inspire

  4. Aww!! I got a minion from one of my lils!! Adorable! LOVE the paper plate hat idea too... may bust out that idea for Earth day... hmmm! Thank ya!

    Tales of a #teachernerd

  5. I love the hats! We have been out pretty much all week because of snow so we will be doing our Valentines activities next week. I may have to use your idea! Thanks for sharing. :)
    Daisy Days for Learning

  6. Pink Hunter boots have been on my list for months!

  7. My heart goes out to you; I cry BUCKETS when I lose a little one! For me the worst is when you don't even get to say good-bye and get one more hug. Working in a Title I school this happens way more than I like; any school break and I go back to school never to see them again, breaks my heart. :(
    Love your valentines! I'm a fan of the cheeseburger & fries w/a Dr. Pepper-all my students know...yikes!

  8. Love these ideas! Thanks for sharing :) Looks like you had a fabulous day.
    K&C Love Grade 3

  9. There is nothing like pink boots to cheer a girl up

    The Math Maniac

  10. I agree, major brownie points. The boots are FAB! Can't wait to see them on. I'll keep my eye out for them on Instagram. :)
    Ms. K/1 ELL

  11. Hello..I saw a great camping idea on your page & was wondering if you have a pattern to share for the tent & the "little" tents for a graph. I am fond of TpT & Pinterest. Your ideas are great!
    "We’ve been camping out in our classroom the last couple of days. We started out our little adventure with a graph…"
    Of course it's a day off from school but working from home for next week's lessons. Could you please email me at my home address:
    Thanks for your consideration in advance!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Ooops gosh darn typos! What a great ideas for your hubby!

    1. OK Cara, this girl is worn out!!! Let me try this one last time. "What a great idea for your hubby!"
