02 October 2013

I Fell Asleep.

Remember last night when I was all, “I’ll announce 3 winners at random before bedtime!”.  And then nothing.


My attempts at a giveaway = FAIL.

But gosh darn if that couch of mine didn’t envelope me as soon as I sat down.  And Jax kept my eyes focused and locked on his precious face.  And then it happened.


A deep, deep, DEEP sleep.

The kind that makes your husband go “uh….I married you?!” because the drooling and snoring just lose their appeal after 10+ years. 

But it was good, my friends.   A GLORIOUS goodness.  Full of rainbows, butterflies, and dreams that I was in a biker gang and Jax was my arm candy.  Wow.

But I digress.

I’m awake.  And getting ready for Open House tomorrow.  So before I randomly fall asleep on the couch…again…here are the winners of my little clipart doodle packets.  Thanks to all of y’all with your dang sweet comments…each an every one of them made me smile :)  If I had any energy, I would’ve taken a screenshot of the random number generator, but y’all…I just didn’t have it in me. 

The winners are…

#13 – Katie Bradsher

#40 – Dusty Drosche

#174 –Gladys {Teaching in High Heels}

Now it’s time for Top Chef.  New Orleans.  Yowza.

And I fully plan a drooling, snoring repeat in just a matter of minutes :)


  1. I love the title of this blog post. :-) Glad you got a good nights sleep! Hope Open House is great tomorrow!

    Blooming In First

  2. Oh..yay!! Thank you! And I hope you have some sweet, sweet dreams!

  3. Thanks for the opportunity to win. I also want to personally thank you for all the posts & pictures - your blog {& a few others} has truly helped make me a better teacher. I am so inspired by all you share!

  4. Ah I never win anything!!! I'm so excited to use them!

  5. Also, I don't remember if I put my email on my other comments, but here it is just in case!

