20 June 2013

Throwback Thursday...A Weekly Linky!

One of my most FAVORITE things about blogging {besides all the AMAZING friends I've made} is definitely the opportunity it gives me to reflect on my teaching.  I love having this little online *scrapbook* to document some of the things I have going on...not to mention, it's been a great resource for visual reminders :) AND...I absolutely LOVE that blogging has helped me to collaborate with some of the best educators all over the country!  Truly is amazing, y'know?!

I've had this little blog since 2010, so I figured it was time to go back and dig through the archives to reflect on a few things from the past.  Then I got to thinking...it would be so much fun to revisit some of my older posts right here in the present...and to see some of y'all's blasts from the past!  :)  For those of you that have been around since the beginning, this will be nothing new.  BUT if you're just stumbling across my little slice of internet pie, then it will be new to you :)

It's time for a little...

I stopped by the Dollar Tree today and picked up about 10 new pair of JUMBO dice, so I figured it was only fitting to revisit this post I blogged on March 29, 2011.  Hope you find something useful!!!  And feel free to join the linky today...and every Thursday through the summer...and post the link to one of your old blog posts!  Just scroll down past the throwback post below and link up!  Can't wait to read!!!

Originally posted on March 29th, 2011

After reading this post, you *might* think I’m a little obsessed with dice activities :)  Not true…however, my kids totally are!!!  And I know that when they’re excited, I might as well milk it for all it’s worth!  HA!  One of my firsties told me today, “You know what’s weird?!  I feel like I’m having a lot of fun, but really I’m learning!”  Oops…guess the cat’s outta the bag ;)
I’m LOVING this little activity…and so are the kids!!  This activity focuses on ADJECTIVES.  Now, I might be obsessed with that!!  HA!!  I prepared 7 envelopes.  6 envelopes contained 4-5 different adjectives.  1 envelope contained 12-15 different sentence strips.  The kids had to choose a sentence strip from the sentence envelope and then roll the die.  Then they had to choose 2 adjectives from the envelope that matched their roll.  SO…if they rolled a 6, they picked 2 adjectives from the envelope labeled 6.
Then they had to figure out where to fit the adjectives into their sentence to make a silly statement!  They had SUCH a BLAST with this one!!!  It was so much fun to see what they wrote….the sentences & illustrations were awesome!  And it was a great activity to reinforce adjective placement.  They had to know that adjectives describe a noun and they couldn’t just put them any ol’ place in the sentence.  FUN!
Graphics courtesy of Scrappin' Doodles


This next activity was too much fun!!  The kids were given 3 different dice labeled with adjectives, nouns, & verbs.  I just cut out words and did a very poor job of TAPING them on :)  Whatever works, right?!  They had to roll all three dice and record the words on which they landed.  They had to know that each word was either a verb/noun/adjective for recording purposes.  Then they had to use all 3 words in a sentence.  They did such a great job!  I was so proud of them!!!!
The kids have requested that we keep both of these activities in their stations for the rest of the week.  I love it when that happens!
We’re just finishing up a few little mini-lessons and activities on fact & opinion.  I know that can be a tricky concept for the kids to grasp, but my kids had so many questions about “opinions” that I decided it was time to teach them about it!!!  We are having SO much fun and the kids are learning SO much!  I’ve overheard a few of my firsties say to their friends, “well, that’s your OPINION.”  HA!!! 
Graphic courtesy of Scrappin' Doodles

You can grab our fun little Fact & Opinon Packet at my TpT store HERE. Here’s a little sample of the goods…
Happy Wednesday, sweet friends!!!  Can you believe it’s almost APRIL?!?!?! 

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Link up with an old "throwback" post from your early blogging days {even if that "old" post was only a few months ago :)


  1. Hi Cara! I love your idea for a linky! I don't think I can join in though since I've only started blogging a few months ago, I don't have enough old stuff yet!! I love reading your blog & you seem like such a sweet person! If you're looking for a fun gummy bear science experiment, please swing by my little science blog! Happy Summer to you!

    Science for Kids Blog

    1. I'll be sure to stop by! And OF COURSE you can join in!!

  2. Oh my gosh, Cara! What a fun idea for a link! Thank you so much for re-sharing your dice activities and giving us a chance to share as well!

    1. I'm so glad you linked up, Maria!!! LOVE IT!!!! :)

  3. Believe it or not, I remember that post! I love the idea of a throw back linky. :) Such a fun idea.
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

    1. It seriously seems like just yesterday that I posted it! HA!! Glad you're joining in!!! :)

  4. What a cute idea--both the adjective center AND the linky party. Thanks for sharing!!

    First Grade and Fabulous

  5. Thanks Cara - This is such a fun idea - it totally brought me back to last year!!

    A Grade One Nut and Her Squirrelly Crew

  6. I LOVE those big dice from the dollar store! I have a few pair myself. I'm excited to link up!

    Teach on a Limb

  7. LOVE this idea!!! I just scrolled through tons of old posts--and found some good stuff I forgot about haha ;)

    Kindergarten Smiles

  8. Awesome idea! I love, love, love this! Thanks for setting it up!

    Teaching with Grace

  9. Hey Cara, Great minds must think alike--my post for today was already named Throwback Thursday, ha! Actually I linked up with a Throwback of my own--Not an old blog post. I found my first class list from 15 years ago when cleaning out my cabinets!
    Jessica Berggren
    Tales of a First Grade Teacher

  10. Love your analogy to blogging being like an online scrapbook! So true! It is fun to go back to see what we've done in the classroom. We're just about six months into blogging, but once we've been blogging for longer, it will be a great reflection tool!

    :) Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

  11. I love this idea!!!! I actually enjoyed going back and reading some of my old posts:) It's make me miss my classroom:( Mine is from March of last year!! Thanks for hosing!!

    Come By and Visit My Blogs!
    ”Dots” of Fun!
    1...2...3...Teach With Me

  12. LOVE this and LOVE you for thinking of it! Linked up and can't wait to link up next week too!

    Flying High in First Grade

  13. What a fun idea, Cara!
    I linked up a post from last summer about a how-to project I did in my garden. This is the only time of year that I have the time to do projects like that!
    I'll be linking up all summer! Thanks for the fun!

    First Grade Follies

  14. Cara-What a great idea for a linky party!! I remember this post and I remember RUNNING to the dollar store to get some of those awesome foam dice! My students A.D.O.R.E. them-all thanks to you! :)

    Looking forward to this linky each week! :)
    First Grade in Foxwell Forest

  15. Thanks so much for hosting! Perfect for my lazy summer days:)

    Corinna (✿◠‿◠)
    Surfin' Through Second

  16. This was a great idea! My blog is still in the baby phase :) Hopefully you will host another one in the future and I will def join in!

  17. Such a great linky idea!!! Gonna link up today!

  18. This was such a fun linky to do. Thanks for hosting. I linked up. :)

    Mrs. Flickinger's Butterfly Oasis

  19. Love this linky! So fun to look back at old posts!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  20. What a fun linky. Thanks so much for sharing this post about your silly sentences. Both of these activities will be perfect for my little campers next week. I love those dice too. I'll have to check my Dollar Tree & see if I can find them there.


  21. I LOVE the journaling aspect to blogging! Thanks for the fun linky party. Going back through old posts was really fun and I am looking forward to everyone else's posts!

    Chickadee Jubilee

  22. This is a fabulous idea for a linky. I have only entered the blogging world a few months ago so I would love to check out some of everyone's old faves. Maybe I'll even get brave and share one of my own. BTW, you were my inspiration to enter this amazing blogging community of educators. Thanks!
    My First Love

  23. I've been blogging for a month, so it was kinda hard to make this linky work for me. But I really wanted to join your linky party since your blog inspired me to start a blog of my own. It's just a sad little blurb I combined with a couple of other linky parties, but I tried :-)

  24. Cara!! Thanks for the fabulous linky. PERFECT timing. :D
    I need to grab some of those large dice!
    ❤ Traci
    Dragonflies in First

  25. I love the idea of this linky! Gives our new followers a chance to catch up on some of our favorite things we've shared and time for us to reflect on how we've changed it! Thanks Cara! :)

    Surviving the Little People

  26. I don't have a blog but I wanted to thank you for the freebies. I will use them with my firsties next year.

  27. What a fun linky! I am not a classroom teacher, but I am a speech-language pathologist who works with preschool and elementary students. I linked a free WH-Questions activity that could be used in the classroom or by parents too. I'm looking forward to reading through the activities posted and seeing how I can adapt them for my speech kiddos. Thanks!

    Schoolhouse Talk!

  28. This activities look super fun! Thanks for sharing!

  29. This activities look super fun! Thanks for sharing!

  30. Hi Cara!! Thank you so much for setting this up!! I learn so much each week..... So many great ideas!!!!:) Also... Happy Anniversary!!!:)
