26 April 2016

The Science of May

Hello friends! How many of you are celebrating 5 more Mondays left in the school year?! 

 I know some teachers who are counting down the days! My boys though?!?! Notsomuch....and if I'm being honest, neither am I. I'm SO grateful they LOVE school as much as they do...and I can attribute that directly to their amazing teachers. They've instilled a love of learning in my boys and that's a debt I'll never be able to repay. But me?!?! Well...I'm not ready to say goodbye to those teachers. God has truly placed the boys exactly where they needed to be. He's given them teachers who not only teach them, but love them, nurture their abilities, challenge them, and hold them to high standards. Gah.

 Speaking of teachers, next week is Teacher Appreciation Week! Are y'all screaming a not-so-silent 'WOO HOOO!!!!!!"?!?!?! I always loved Teacher Appreciation Week because the kids were SO excited to bring in handwritten notes and their very best illustrations to show me how much they loved me. Those handwritten notes and illustrations were always a highlight of my year. Would you believe I still have notes and pictures saved from my first year teaching 13 years ago?!?!?! Now those babies are in college. DEAR.LORD!!!!! I'm sure their handwriting and drawing skills have changed considerably since then ;) In honor of our favorite teachers, I went ahead and ordered some of these PRECIOUS cookies!!!! Are these not darling?! I can't wait to get them!!! I ordered them from a teacher I found on IG who teaches by day and bakes by night. I love supporting teachers because, well, y'all are my people :)

 Moving right along with the end-of-the-year, Abby and I have completed The Science of May and it's available for purchase! 4 full weeks worth of detailed lesson plans that include book suggestions, visual examples, printables, experiments, craftivities, and MORE!!!! Eeeek!!!! I know I say it every month, but this month might be my favorite :) Hahaha. This month we're covering Dinosaurs, Ocean Life, Ocean Animals, and Kitchen Chemistry! Such fun themes to end the school year, no?!?! 

 Here's how it all breaks down. This pacing calendar details the target vocabulary, Science/Math/Literacy objectives, as well as the book suggestions. I like having a visual overview of my month so that I can start with the end in mind. Always helps me make sure I plan with intention.

 Here's a peek at the Table of Contents for each week. This gives you an idea of what to expect for each week of learning. 

We really do create these units with lots of blood, sweat, and tears.  We get so excited each month to share these with you and hear how so many teachers and kids are loving science now and actually looking forward to it each day.  I've seen it up close and personal in the classrooms I visit and it's so neat to see them being put to use!  Here's what people are saying about May so far!

Thank you, dear teachers, for sharing these little peeks into your classrooms.  We love seeing how you're implementing The Science Of... into your classrooms!  Here's a peek into some classrooms using The Science of April...

If you're interested in May's resource and having all your plans done for you for the next four weeks, you can check out The Science of May by clicking on the pic below....

Stay tuned throughout the next few weeks for lots of freebies and fun activities to compliment these themes!!!  Have a great day!

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