31 August 2015

Teacher Week 2015 - 5 Fun Facts About Me (& a Deal of the Day!!!)

Hey y'all!  Happy Monday!  Have you heard?!  It's Teacher Week!!!  We're celebrating on Blog Hoppin' and would love for you to link up with us!!  Here's what we have planned this week...

So let's get started with today's topic...

1.  I have taught for 13 years...10 in Kindergarten, 2 in First Grade, and 1 in 2nd Grade.  First is my most favorite :)  I mean, I loved Kindergarten, but there's just something about the curriculum in first grade that has my heart.  This is my second year out of the classroom and while I really do miss it, I sure do love what I'm doing now.  I absolutely LOVE teaching teachers!!!!!!!  And I still get to create and develop activities for classrooms and then push in and help facilitate them in different schools...I absolutely ADORE my job and love all the amazing teachers I've had the privilege of meeting!!! 

2.  I met my husband at school.  We were actually at the same school, but two different campuses.  It was my first year teaching and his first year on our campus.  Long story short, he emailed me in October of 2003 and literally had me at "hello" :)  He proposed to me in my classroom a year later.  He's a keeper!

3.  I haven't eaten ice cream since Blue Bell stopped selling last spring.  It's been tough, but my waistline has appreciated the hiatus.  I rushed out early this morning to grab a couple of gallons...vanilla and dutch chocolate, of course... since it was just restocked today!  I'm considering this my lucky day because they sold out shortly after I grabbed my frozen gold ;)

4.  I love to letter.  Love it.  I'm not a pro by any means, but I absolutely any and everything hand lettered.  It's so relaxing for me to sit in front of the TV at night or with my Bible in the mornings and just letter.  My most favorite thing to hand letter are the things my boys say.  I have an entire sketch book filled with their quotes and cute phrases.  I love having their words frozen in time :)

5.  Halloween is my most favorite time of the year.  You can count on me prematurely decorating for my favorite holiday in just a few short days. I LOVE Halloween!!!!  

That's just about as random as it gets!

And since it's Teacher Week, let's celebrate with some deals, shall we?!  Each day this week I'll be hosting a "Deal of the Day".  It will only be good for ONE DAY.  Check back each day this week to see what I have planned.  Here's today's deal....

Just click on the links below to grab your discounted resources!

Come back tomorrow to see what I've got goin' in the kitchen.  I'll have lots of EASY, time saving recipes that are so coveted these first few months of the school year!!!  And don't forget to link up with Blog Hoppin'!



  1. Love your five facts! I am an ice cream fanatic too but I'm not sure I could give it up that long. I love your Halloween goodies. I'm itching to decorate for fall too!

    1. I lied. I tried a few other brands. Just to see. But yuck. I wasn't a fan at all, lol! #bluebellbrat

  2. I have followed your blog for a few years but some how missed that you were out of the classroom. Do you plan to go back in? Can't wait to read your recipe ideas

    1. I do plan to go back, but I'm loving the one-on-one I get to do with teachers right now! I still get to work with kids, but a totally different setting :) I miss the classroom something crazy, but God had different plans for me and I'm glad He knew what He was doing because I never thought I'd be doing this, lol!!!

  3. Love your facts! I moved out of Texas and I'm having Bluebell withdrawal!

    1. Jennifer!!!! That's right!!!!! I want to cry a little for you. If I moved out of state it's definitely one of the things I'd miss the most. Blue Bell and Tex Mex...because there's nothing like Texas Tex-Mex ;)

  4. I also missed that you're out of the classroom. I would love to hear what you do. This is my first year being a stay at home mom and I miss the classroom tremendously! If only I lived in your part of Texas...

    1. I miss it, too!!! TREMENDOUSLY!!!!
      Right now I'm mentoring teachers. I also travel and present at different conferences hosted by SDE. I'm being challenged in a whole new way :) I'll eventually make my way back to the classroom, but for now I just love working with teachers!!!

  5. Hi Cara!

    Do you have volume 2 of your "I Know It By Sight" bundle? Looking to differentiate for all my learners!

    1. Hey Michelle!
      I sure don't. Not right now anyway. But it's on my list of to-dos. Hope this helps! Blessings to you!

  6. Oh, how I LOVE Blue Bell ice cream! The cookie dough Blue Bell is the BEST! I found that Talenti Cookie Dough also ranks as one of my favorites ;)
    I love that you are lettering your boy's quotes. Kids say the funniest things, and if we don't write them down, we forget.

  7. Oh Cara my sweet friend! I just adored reading this post! How precious that your now hubby proposed to your classroom?!!! P R E C I O U S!!!! I'm so happy BLUE BELL is back! It's been so hard not having Homemade Vanilla! #praiseJesus

    I always admired your lettering when I was on Instagram. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! I've been thinking about you sweet pea! LOTS and LOTS of ((HUGS)) to you!

    -Tiffany(Miss May)
