02 November 2014


Hello friends!  

Happy Sunday!!!!  


I don't know if y'all feel the same way, but seriously....where'd October go?!  November??  ALREADY?!?!? That means it's time to start Christmas shopping.  And decorating.  And finding my elastic pants.  Lawd knows I'll need those these next few months {for the love of carbs!!!!!}

This weekend has been filled with craziness and lots of memory making.  We had a wonderful Halloween, but we had to spend it without Mr. Spouse.  This is the first Halloween he hasn't been with us for trick-or-treating.  Ahhhh....the joys of Friday night lights {not!!!!}  My boys decided to dress up as a ninja and Skylander {Spyro, to be exact}.  I took my love of leopard print to a whole new level and decided to dress up as one...kind of.  I found this great tutorial online and painted my face accordingly.  Then we headed out with the family and went trick-or-treating.  I just LOVE Halloween!!

This year I made the boys' teachers and their friends a few homemade Halloween treats.  You can read all about 'em HERE.  Let me just tell you that I have ZERO restraint when it comes to cookies.  Like, none at all.  And when candy is involved?!  Fuggedaboutit.

And do you see my precious nephew up there?!?!?!  ELLIOT?!  E.T. phone home!!!!  I DIE!!!!  That has to be the CUTEST costume ever!  And it doesn't hurt that he's about as precious as they come :)  

Now moving on...

I'm linking up with Farley for a little Currently fun this month....

LISTENING:  I'm listening to Hozier on Spotify.  Over.  And over.  And over again.  I absolutely ADORE this man. And his voice. And ALL of his music.  My current favorites are From Eden, Cherry Wine, and of course, Take Me To Church.

LOVING:  I'm absolutely LOVING this weather.  It's pretty cool here and while I'm absolultely NOT a fan of the cold, I do love that it's cool enough to wear jeans and a long sleeve tee without melting in a puddle of sweat.  Ewwwwwww.  #TMI

THINKING:  I do love to decorate although I'm not the trendiest decorator.  My tastes have changed tremendously in the last few years.  We have a "mystery" sitting room at the front of the house and lots of gifted furniture.  I want to regift that to my brother and his soon-to-be-wife and start from scratch.  And I'm DYING to repaint my kitchen cabinets.  Farmhouse white.  I **think** that's my style.  I'm so drawn to the farmhouse look and feel.  We'll see if it actually happens!!!

WANTING:  In my opinion, it's never to early to start decorating.  Unless you're Hobby Lobby...you guys really need to back off on stocking the shelves with holiday goodies in June. #depressing  I really need to take down all the Halloween decor and start going to town with Christmas.  But man...it's Sunday and I'm really enjoying the coziness of this couch at the moment :)

NEEDING:  To pray more and worry less. I pray a lot.  All the time.  But I need to pray more.  And worrying doesn't help, so I need to stop that.  I really do.  I try so hard not to, but when you're a mom, you come by it honest.  More prayer!!!!!  

READING:  One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.  SO good y'all.  So, so good.  This clearly isn't  a very educated literary critique, but if you're looking for something inspiring and uplifting, you need to check it out.  With that said, I'm only a chapter into the book :)  This has been on my list for about 4 years now and I'm so glad to finally dive in!!!  

Hope your November is off to a great start!  Can't wait to share with you what's on tap for November!!!  Have a great week!!!


  1. I LOVE One Thousand Gifts. Such a blessing in a book! And I LOVE your leopard makeup! Super cute!!!

  2. You are an inspiration! Praying that I pray more!
    And...hope you blog about your white cabinets and the Mystery Room!

  3. I just love this post! You can tell that you are so down to earth =) I have three young boys as well and there is A LOT of praying =) Enjoy the season and thanks for sharing!

  4. I needed a good uplifting read. Thanks for the ideas.

  5. One Thousand Gifts has changed my life!!!!!!! Keep reading and then get her Christmas devotional ~ The Greatest Gift!

    Love your blog!

  6. I am SO obsessed with farmhouse right now!!!

  7. Hozier. LOVE HIM! I just sent a message to a friend telling her to get the album (are they still called albums?) so we could listen together and talk about it.

    I'm so impressed you managed to be so crafty for Halloween. Your leopard looks amazing!

  8. Hi Cara,

    I just love it when one of your posts pops up in my Bloglovin' feed! :) I'm with you on the 'Needing' item... I am a worrier for sure and need to remember to pray about things before I let them get on top of me. I'm getting better, I think! :)

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

  9. If you like Hozier, you will love Lord Huron :) Sounds similar to Hozier and Bon Iver...that folksy, easy sound :) Good road trip music!
