29 July 2014

Personal Vocabulary Books ~ A Freebie!

Yesterday I showed y'all a fun little vocabulary activity we do in our classroom before/during/after reading. I thought we'd continue with a little vocabulary fun today so that I can show y'all one of my favorite little resources...our Vocabulary Mini Books!!!

This was a class favorite this past year!  Since we're in Kindergarten, we started off with a GIANT version of this book.  Basically, we copied these pages on chart paper and did this activity whole group.   I would use these books for one word and then complete 1-2 pages per day.  I felt like this helped us to stay on task and really dig deep into word meaning.  Then we'd compile the pages into one big book and hang the books up in our library.  When the kids had a question about a word, I'd just redirect them to their vocabulary books :)

When it came to the Parts of Speech, I would make sure I was using the word & meaning interchangeably.  SO...if we were working with an adjective, I'd say "It's a describing word...a word that describes something....an adjective."  There's NO reason we can't introduce our kids to the technical terms as long as we're using them interchangeably with meaning.  

As the year progressed, my kids became MUCH more independent in these tasks.  By the end of the year, they were taking home their own little books and they couldn't have been prouder.

I gave these little vocabulary mini books a makeover and now you can grab them too!!!  

For FREE!!!

I hope you can use these little books in your classrooms, too & I  hope your kids love them just as much as mine did!!


  1. This is amazing! One of my goals this year is to beef up my vocabulary instruction and you are giving me so many great ideas! Thank you! :)

  2. Thanks Cara! Your stuff is always great!

  3. Awesome! Vocabulary is always an area to improve! What grade will you be teaching this year?
    I am in first but can certainly use these!

  4. I love, love, love this! Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. I love cool words and this activity looks like so much fun! Thanks!

  6. Thank you for the freebie! I can't wait to incorporate it into my class when I return from maternity leave!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thank you for your freebie! It is so cute. I can't wait to use it in my class in the fall.

  9. These are perfect for our Firsties too! Thank you for sharing!!!
