30 March 2014

A Little More Fluency Fun + A Giveaway

I intended to blog about more of our insect fun last week, but time got away from me.  And then I had to pack and get ready for a weekend with the girls.  If you're following me on Instagram, you might have seen a few little pics of my road trip to San Antonio this weekend.  Several of my sweet blogging friends met up in SA for the Neon Dash...and lots of eating...shopping...and more eating.  The best part of any trip, of course ;)

Before the race...

And after ....

Friends are, by far, the best thing about blogging.  What precious, PRECIOUS people these girls are and what a FUN weekend we had!!!  Reagan summed it up perfectly in her sweet recap of the weekend if you want to read a little more about it! 

 Speaking of sweet blogging friends...

When I got home tonight, I had a surprise waiting for me.  We lost our mail key a few weeks ago, but Mr. Spouse found it and here's what I got to open up when I walked in the door!

Is this not precious?!

 The sweetest little fluency gift from Katie!  How fabulous is this?!?!?  This is an AMAZING packet of fluency & comprehension fun and I'm so excited to put it all into action when I get back to the classroom this week.  The posters are such a great visual for my kinder babies and I absolutely LOVE the game ideas included in the packet!  Between my little fluency center and these great activities, I expect to have the most fluent little almost first graders by the end of the year!!!  Yay!!!

Katie is so very passionate about fluency...and so very smart and talented when it comes to creating activities that encourage fluency growth!!  I'm so very, VERY excited about these visuals...
And the games are SO very engaging and so exciting for the kids.  I mean, don't you love it when they're having FUN and they have NO idea they're learning?!!??  #thebest

We got to talking and thought it would be fun to do a little giveaway together so that you guys can set your kids up for fluency success, too!

3 winners will have the chance to win ALL of these fun fluency resources from me & Katie :).  Here's what you'll get...

I **finally** got around to adding all of the Dolch list fluency phrases and games to the store.  My kids are seriously EATING.IT.UP.  This is their favorite center in the room!  And y'know what?!  Their fluency is improving EVERY day...as well as their sight word recognition.  {You can't see me, but I'm giving you a virtual fist bump right now. Boom.}

Here are the giveaway details...

4 Rock Your Fluency Packets from me {Pre-Primer - 3rd grade Dolch List Fluency Phrases & Games}
Spring into Fluency from Katie {power passages, smart art, lesson plans, etc.}

Would you like to chance to win all of these fabulous fluency resources?!  GREAT!  
Here's what you need to do...

Pretty simple. 

We'll announce 3...yes, THREE...winners on Thursday.  

In the meantime, we're both having a sale in our shops expiring at midnight on Monday, so you might find something to hold you over {on sale!!!} until we announce the winners on Thursday.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What a fantastic competition! I'm so glad you are doing this and blogging about it. I came across Katie's fluency post last week and did not save it and I have been trying to find where I saw the great fluency resource for the last few days! Your product looks amazing also. I'm an Australian teacher and want to focus a lot on fluency next term with my grade 1/2 class. Crossing my fingers!

  2. Cara, you fluency centers are so fun!!!! Keep rockin' it sister!

  3. Ummm...amazing! I have to get this regardless:) I have no control when it comes to cute and engaging!


  4. Oh my word - I laughed out loud at your outfits! What fun!!
