13 February 2014

Vegas, Baby!!!! {I Teach K/1st}

I don't know about y'all, but I love Vegas.  I really do.  There's SO much to see and do!  And I'm NOT talking about gambling!!!  We used to go every single summer with my family.  I remember sitting at a Pai Gow table with my mom, brothers, and sister {where was dad?!} 'til 4 in the morning one time!  We had such a blast watching these crazy guys play!!  I definitely sat at a Hold 'Em table for quite some time and eventually lost out.  Playing in the World Series of Poker is still on my bucket list.

For one of my birthdays we went to see the Rat Pack at The Sands.  Ohmiword.  The absolute BEST show I've ever seen, but that might be because I'm a teensy bit obsessed with all things Rat Pack..especially Mr. Sinatra himself.  Swoon.  I just LOVE Vegas!

Once upon a time, Mr. Spouse bought be this beautiful little chain link type ring from Tiffany's.  We weren't married yet.  Still dating.  It was one of the first "big girl" gifts he bought for me.  Fast forward to Vegas.  My mom and I were eating brunch at The Rainforest Cafe and I took off said ring to put lotion on my hands after our meal.  We got up from the table and headed back to our room and as we got to the elevators I realized I left the ring on the table at the restaurant!!!!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!?!  I had only had it for a couple of months!!  We raced back through the casino, but by the time we got to the restaurant, it was gone.  Gulp.  I about died.  I certainly couldn't tell boyfriend!!!!  SO...I took the only $100 I allotted myself to spend during the trip and went to Tiffany's to buy a replacement.  I NEVER told him I lost it.  NEVER.  Well...until this past summer.  I felt like enough time had passed that I could tell him the truth.  He had forgotten he even bought me that ring in the first place.  Looks like my plan worked ;)  HA!  

I'm SO excited to be returning back to one of my favorite cities this summer...only this time, I'll be there presenting for SDE!!  I'll be at the I TEACH K/ I TEACH 1st conference during the week of July 7-11...and I REALLY hope to see you there!!!

Of course, I won't be the only one there.  There will be SO many AMAZING presenters!!!  

Just click on the links below to see for yourself!!!

I really do hope to see you there!!!  I'm excited/nervous/anxious/{insert emotion here}and can't wait!  

You can check out the session descriptions and register now!  And...if you register by March 15th...you'll save $25 per day!!  

I can't wait to spend some time with my sweet friends and meet lots of new ones, too!  We'll have LOTS of fun...oh, and we'll learn a few things, too ;)  I already have my sessions picked out and can't wait to learn from some of my favorites!  

See you in Vegas, Baby!!!


  1. Vegas is great! I've only been once; we drove there from Ohio 7 years ago to visit my brother. He lives in Henderson and manages a department store close to the strip. He loves living there and will never move back to Ohio. Can't say I blame him! Wish I could go to the conference; sounds like a lot of fun!

  2. Vegas is so much fun! Shopping there is out of this world :)
    That Tiffany story made me laugh!
    And how exciting about the conference! I wish I lived closer!
    Miss Elementary

  3. I SOOOOOOOOOOOO wanna go. I'm not sure I can make it work though! :( If I do...I definitely be at one of your sessions!

    Kindergarten Korner

  4. That stinks about the ring! I always take mine off to put lotion off and my husband gets so worried! Happy Valentine's Day!

    Mrs. Wheeler's First Grade

    Mrs. Wheeler's TPT

  5. Looks like a great conference! I am sure your presentations will be awesome.

    The Math Maniac

  6. I am so excited to go to this event. Looking forward to seeing you again!


  7. I am so excited because I am going to be in Vegas that same week for my daughter's dance convention/competition at the Mirage! Which means, I am going to register and attend your classes!! I have adored your blog for 2 years now and this is like a dream come true to see you in action!!

  8. I got the flyer in my mailbox at school last week and just about shrieked when I saw you on their...go you!

    For the Love of First Grade

  9. I am so excited to try and attend this conference! I will be in Vegas the week before and would love to stay and attend the conference. I am currently working on my district to send me through their funds. Do you know of any scholarships or grants available? I really want to attend! I've followed your blog for years and have always wanted to learn more from you! (bholder0809@gmail.com)

  10. Hi Cara,

    I am planning to go! I CANNOT wait to see one of your sessions. I just need a roommate. Do you know of any group or person that might need a roommate? Do you know anywhere I could find someone who might want to share a room? I've asked a few people in my district but everyone is busy and I live in Canada so it is quite an expense - for me it would be so worth it!! I would appreciate any suggestions!! Thanks so much!


    A Grade One Nut and Her Squirrelly Crew
