10 February 2014

100th Day Fun for Everyone!

I’m gonna throw out a little confession.  Once upon a time, I did not think the 100th day of school was a big deal.  I really didn’t think anything of it at all to be totally honest.  As the years went by, I realized it was kind of a big deal and each year since I made that shocking revelation, I’ve been trying like crazy to do everything I can to make the 100th day extra special for the kids.  Of course, it really does help being at an all K school where these “kind of a big deal” milestones are embraced and celebrated by everyone on campus. 

I always feel like I have a list a mile long of things I want to do for the 100th day, but I’m nothing but short on time.  I made it my personal mission this year to come up with a plan that would make it easier for me to do everything I wanted to do with my kids and have plenty of time to do it.

So this year, we started our hundredth day activities several days before the actual event.  We did a little something each day to prepare for our big milestone and ohmiword…that was a LIFEsaver this year!!!

I found this PRECIOUS idea from Buzzing About Second Grade and knew we had to do it, too!   My kids were SO creative!!!


When it was finally time for the hundredth day, there was nothing left to do but CELEBRATE!!!  WOO HOO!!!

I woke up my boys with a little hundredth day breakfast.  They grinned from ear to ear.  They were SO stinkin’ excited!  Speaking of my boys, they were very particular about the kind of shirts they wanted to wear this year.  My sweet Landon insisted on collecting 100 autographs to wear and his sweet teacher was kind enough to humor him on his request.  Grant had about a million different ideas, but as soon as he saw the packet of glittery solar system foam shapes, he was sold.  Bless. 


I decided to go with this little number.  I found the idea HERE.  After making this shirt I can officially say that hot glue and I are NOT friends at all.


Before the kids got to the room, I set out their hundredth day folders.  I just cut some poster board down to size and slapped a little label on it.  After all the excitement building up to this special day, I knew they needed a special something to hold all their goodies. 


We spent one afternoon making these hats.  My kids were so excited to wear them.  They were less impressed when all the stickers started falling off.  I guess I pulled out the stickers I had when I started teaching.  Not so “sticky” anymore!  HA!


Speaking of things they couldn’t wait to wear, they were ALL so excited to show off their 100th day shirts!  Just look at the cuteness!!!


We even got to show them all off in our 100th day parade!  Look at my littlest cutie.  Those ears!!!  That squishy little 4-year-old face!!!  Cracks me right up!  HA!!!


While I spent a few minutes prepping our 100 day stations, the kids were completely engrossed in finding the number 100 on this little number search activity.


This year I set up 8 different 100th day stations. I spent lots of time pinning fabulous ideas and chose 8 of my favorites to incorporate into stations.

I even made these little punch cards for the kids to carry around so that they could keep track of the stations they visited.  They thought this was the coolest idea ever.  Score.


Station 1 – Hershey Kiss 100 Chart.  I labeled the bottoms of the kisses with garage sale dots {1-100}.  The kids had to dig for the kisses and match them to the numbers on the 100’s chart.


Station 2 – Build a 100 cup structure.  Oh sweet teacher who thought of this first…whoever you are, THANK YOU!!!!  My kids were seriously OBSESSED with this station!  A class favorite for sure!  I found mini solo cups, popped ‘em in a tub, and then the kids had to work together to build a structure using all 100 cups. FUN!


Station 3 – Pattern Block Creation Station.  I counted out 4 different bags that each contained a variety of pattern blocks…100 in all.  The kids had to make little creations using all 100!  Definitely a challenge!!!  HA!HundredDayStations2

Station 4 – Dot 100 Gumballs.  This precious idea was inspired by the fabulously creative Julie Lee.  I don’t know who loved this one more…me or the kids?!  It was definitely a challenge for them to keep track of counting to 100, but I was SO impressed to hear their strategies & thinking for making sure they were staying on track!


Station 5 – 100 Marshmallow/Toothpick Creations Station.  I portioned out baggies of 100 marshmallows and set out cups full of toothpicks.  This *might* have been another class favorite.  They LOVED getting creative….and STICKY!!!!! 


Station 6 – 100 Snap Cubes Creation Station.  My littles are BIG fans of the snap cubes.  They were even BIGGER fans of using 100 of them to create something fun!  I got some really neat little creations.  Transformers anyone?!


Station 7 – Roll & Race to 100.  The kids had fun rolling the die and coloring 100 pennies. This little activity is from my 100 Day packet.


Station 8 – Ice Cream Scoop 10’s.  Another fabulous idea from Julie Lee!  My kids couldn’t wait to get to this station!!!!


Lots of prep, but TOTALLY worth it!!!!!!! 

We ended the day with a special snack…


…and LOTS to clean up!  We were so busy with our 100 day stations that we didn’t exactly have time to graph our 100 trail mix, but no worries…they each got to scoop a baggie full to take home with them at the end of the day! 


I can honestly say that this was the most successful, smooth, productive 100 days I’ve celebrated in my 12 years of teaching.  The best part about it was my kids. Lawdhavemercy…they were so excited.

One of my littles said….and I quote….”All of my dreams have come true!!!!!!”   HA!!!  I about died!!  As someone on Instagram said, isn’t it cool that we are blessed with jobs that give us the chance to make kids’ dreams come true?!  Pretty cool way to think about it!!!!

Whew!  Not that I’m glad to have that out of the way, but ohmiword.  I sure can rest a little easier now : ).  Always fun, and ALWAYS a *little* tiring.  Can’t wait to do it all over again next year! 


  1. Ok.... I have ten more years to be as fabulous of a teacher as you are!:) You're just the best! I love reading about your classroom. Such an inspiration darlin!

    1. You are sweet! But seriously...don't give me that much credit!! Trial and error, sweet girl!! ;)

  2. I love all of these ideas! Totally using some of these ideas for next year!

    1. Yay!! So glad!! I gathered most of them from Pinterest...well, not Pinterest, but that's where I found them ;)

  3. Looks like so much fun!! I miss teaching kindergarten and I want to go back! How did you schedule and manage the centers? How long did students have at each center and how did you make sure they all were doing what they were suppose to?

    1. Centers were scheduled throughout the day. We have lots of breaks, so they didn't have one huge chunk of time to rotate through everything. Some centers took longer than others, so I let them **freely** rotate and use their punch cards to guide them. It seemed to work pretty well!! I walked around the whole time to monitor and make sure they knew what they were doing. I'm sure I'll tweak a few things next year. I did pair the kids up to work together and they had to travel with their partners for the first few rotations. Once I knew that they knew what they were doing, I let them start rotating on their own :)

    2. Well, here it is a year after I left a comment and I am now back in kindergarten and planning 100th day activities. I love the idea doing rotations, but I'm not sure how the other teachers celebrate the 100th day so I'll have to wait to see. I have an extremely talkative class so allowing them to freely rotate and with a partner will be chaotic and things won't get done. I have a few who won't finish an activity to the end, they will try it and stop after a minute or two and move on because they don't like to do it.

  4. What terrific ideas! Thanks for sharing! I love the hershey kiss idea!

    1. That was one of my favorites, too!!! I found it on Mrs. Hodge & Her Kindergarten Kids blog!!! We LOVED that one!!! And I loved eating them when the day was over ;)

  5. Okay....best 100 day post ever! I'm stealing every idea next year!!!! I LOVE the breakfast for your kids. My little one will be in Kinder next year. I cannot wait to do the 100th day with her and those dimples on your oldest! I DIE! I love the cup idea too. We did the create something with 1 0 0 on paper. Adorable! I've "loved" your post so I have it next year! Thanks Cara!!!

    Kindergarten Korner

    1. Awwww....you are so sweet!!! Glad you liked it!!! I gathered most of these ideas from different blogs via Pinterest. I can't take credit for it all!!!! The kids LOVED it!!! I'll definitely be organized the 100th day like this from now on!

  6. This is about the best set of 100th day activities I've EVER seen! Good Gracious Cara, you went all out! I love it all!! I pinned and pinned and then added to my TPT cart. Precious ideas here. Thank you!

    1. I kind of did go all out...but it was SO worth it!!! I think I was just as excited as the kids! HA!!!! It was a HUGE bonus that the 100th day landed on a Friday this year :)

  7. Because of all of our snow days, our 100th day is a bit delayed this year. I can't wait to add some of your spice to our celebration! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Gosh darn snow days!!! This weather is INSANE!!!! Hope y'all have a great time celebrating!

  8. I love the breakfast you made for your kids as well! The shirts came out very cute (especially yours!). Lots of great ideas to bookmark for next year.


    1. They loved it, too!!! I'm all about the food :) Can't you tell?!?!? ;)

  9. This is so cute!!! Love all of the ideas!

  10. really amazing stuff Cara! Your organization and ideas are AMAZING!!
    Elyse :)
    Proud to be Primary

    1. Thanks, Elyse!! But don't give me too much credit!!!

  11. Ok, I MUST start {go back to} celebrating the 100th day! I love everything about this post! The breakfast for your boys is the cutest ever! Thanks for a lot of great ideas to pin for next year!

    Mrs. Wheeler's First Grade

    Mrs. Wheeler's TPT

  12. You are sweet, girl! Thanks :) You know that anything that has to deal with food is a winner in my book ;) HA!

  13. Cara I love all of your 100th Centers! And you signs for them too! Will you be sharing those? On your TpT store? What about the 100th Day Punch Cards? 100th Day Folder Label? 100th Day sign that went around your students 100th Day Hats? So Cute!!
    And thanks for posting that 100th Day Heart Shirt! Love it! Can't wait to try to do it next year!
    Love coming to your site! It's so inspiring! Keep it up! And of course, thanks! :-)

  14. Great ideas! Any chance you can put the 100th day signs for each center on your blog or TPT store? I would love to use them in my class!

  15. I was thinking next year I need to stretch out our 100th day activities to a full week. There are just so many great ideas and so few hours in a day! I hate feeling so rushed! I love the punch card idea. I might just have to steal that for our regular weekly rotations. Thanks for having so many great ideas and links in one place!

  16. I LOVE your 100th day Ideas. Ours is the day after we get back from Spring break, on the 25th! There are so many good ideas out there it's going to be SO hard to pick the ones my first graders will have the most fun with.

    Mrs. D @ Reading with Mrs. D

  17. Hi Cara! Love your ideas! In the words if one of my little sweeties, just "allsome!" Do you plan to post your punchcard and signs on TpT??? Our 100th day of school is next week, and I love this idea! We have six K classrooms and complete a different 100th day activity in each class. It would be so fun for them to carry a punchcard. Love all your hardwork!

  18. Hi Cara! Love your ideas! In the words if one of my little sweeties, just "allsome!" Do you plan to post your punchcard and signs on TpT??? Our 100th day of school is next week, and I love this idea! We have six K classrooms and complete a different 100th day activity in each class. It would be so fun for them to carry a punchcard. Love all your hardwork!

  19. Hi Cara! I love all your ideas! Do you have them on TPT? We have our 100th day tomorrow! I would love to use your stuff. : )

  20. Can you please give instructions on how to make your shirt? The link you have doesn't work. Thanks!

  21. We haven't had our 100th day yet up here in Toronto. Would you please put signs and punch card on TPT soon so I can use this year (in your spare time, that is!). Thank you! Love your stuff...inspirational!

  22. Hi Cara! First I want to say I absolutely adore you! You have so many amazing ideas that I "steal" weekly! :-)

    I have a question about the 100th day hats... did you have the kids just glue them together at the top? Or did you do something else to connect them? Thank you for sharing all of your creative ideas!! :-)

  23. Thank you for your freebies on the 100th day! Teachers like you make it fun and easy for everyone .

  24. Hello! These ideas are awesome & I look forward to using them in my room! Do you have the punch card or center signs available to purchase? Thanks so much!! :)

  25. What fonts do you use for the station cards? Thanks.

  26. Hi Cara! I LOVE YOUR WORK! I have been pleased with every purchase :) I just purchased your 100 day packet and was really hoping it included the station cards and the punch cards! Is there any way you could send me those? Or can I find them somewhere else in your store?Thank you!
