17 December 2012


Like most days, today I’m feeling blessed.  Really, REALLY blessed. Not only am I a mommy to two precious, precious boys, but I’m also a school mommy to 19 precious little souls.  Little babies who wake up each day and come to school with an innate faith that they will be cared for and loved.  Precious little people whose biggest problems are playground woes, runny noses, untied shoes, and lost jackets. Innocent little loves who are BEYOND thrilled to see my reaction when they draw me a picture, pick me a flower, or tell me that they love me.  So very, very innocent.

As a mommy to my own two littles, I wake up everyday with the faith that my boys will happily go off to school without me by their side and never feel alone because they know they’re loved and cared for by their teacher{s}.  That same faith promises me that I’ll see them at the end of each school day with a smile on their face and a story in their heart.  I’m certain that the parents of the 20 little Sandy Hook angels that went to be with Jesus had that same faith as me. 

Now things are different.  While my school babies may not be worried about their safety at school, an entire community of kids will forever be changed by the events that took place in Connecticut. Teachers frantically practice safety procedures & protocol.  Parents wonder if school is a safe place for their kids.  It’s hard not to wonder what our world is coming to when elementary school kids are the target of a madman’s rage.  SO senseless and unexplainable.  No reason or motive could ever justify the evil that swept through Sandy Hook Elementary.

But I still believe in good.  And I know that the good FAR outweighs the evil.  Goodness was overflowing this morning as all my little babies walked in my room beaming from ear to ear ready to start our day.  I hugged each and every single one of my kids as hard as I could and told them how much I loved them and was SO happy they were there to spend the day with me :)  Mercy…I LOVE those kids!!!  It’s amazing how 19 {not-so-little} hugs can totally lift my spirits.  My own little boys woke up early this morning and raced to our advent calendar.  My oldest, Landon, wanted to know what was in store for today, so I told him.  He said, “No mommy, not the fun thing.  Tell me about the KIND thing.  I wanna know what KIND thing we’re doing for people today.”  And then my heart broke.  In a good way.  There is still SO much goodness in the world and we {teachers…and parents, too!!} have been given the most amazing blessing to be able to foster such kindness in our kids. 

I truly believe that God gives every one of us specific talents and desires to fulfill His purpose.  For those of us that are teachers, I believe it was His calling on our hearts.  He hand-picked each of us to care for, love, teach, and protect all of His little angels.  How amazing to know that God has such faith in us to give us such an important job!!  As I continue to mourn the loss of so many little lives and pray for their friends and families, I promise to remember God’s calling on my life each day I walk into my classroom.   Thank you, God, for this indescribable blessing.


  1. Thank you for saying what so many of us have been struggling to put into words since Friday.

  2. You put it so eloquently. Today was a hard morning at drop-off duty knowing those parents are putting their babies in our care.

  3. Just beautiful Cara. I have just under 12 months to go until I am a qualified teacher... somedays I doubt if I heard God's call right that this is what I'm supposed to do. But, as much as the past few days have rocked me a little, I am quietly sure that He knows what He is doing when He chose to place me in a classroom... with Him. God bless you! xo

  4. You know just what to say!


  5. Just so beautifully, perfectly said! THANK YOU!

  6. loved it.... so glad your day was inspired.... I'm sharing your story.... blessing you for another day in your class,

  7. Cara - you always have such a thoughtful perspective. Thank you for sharing!

  8. Oh thank you Cara! I know that's just how I feel and I thank you for saying for so many of us!! God Bless your day!

  9. And that was a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing it! I needed it today!
    Heidi Butkus

  10. Thank you so much. I appreciate so much what you, and all of our teachers, do for our babies.

  11. There's so much we don't understand but God is still on His throne! Thank you for sharing Cara!!

  12. Love this post! As a teacher, it's absolutely true! I'm looking at these babies a little differently now!

  13. What a beautiful post. You put into words what many of us are struggling to find the words to say.

  14. Cara, This is so well written. In fact it made me cry! What you wrote is what all of us teachers are feeling. Thank you for such a beautiful post.

    The Hive
    I'm having a giveaway if you would like to check it out.

  15. You have the perfect words. Thank you for opening our hearts just a bit more over this tragedy. My students chose to write the families letters. They just about broke my heart. Come read about it if you can!

    MOORE Fun In Kindergarten

  16. Cara, thank you so much for this post. You have given us hope and light just when we most needed it. You are an instrument of God's peace and I thank him for having put you in my life through this blog. You inspire us to see things from another perspective: a purposeful one, a positive one.
    Gracias, muchas gracias!


  17. Perfectly said. Thank you. We are so blessed that we get to see the GOOD in the world through our precious, innocent children every day. No wonder we still have hope...it is sitting in our classrooms!


  18. AMEN! Thank you for saying what we are all feeling. I can only imagine the sound in heaven as those 20 littes were welcomed in...can you just picture the open arms of the angels and Christ as they came running through the gates? My heart breaks for the families who are left on this earth...I pray that they have a faith that assures them they will see their babies and loved ones again.

  19. Very beautiful words. Thanks for sharing.

  20. I found your blog through the Snowmen at Night craftivity that I found on Pinterest! I'm going to do that with my 3rd graders today. We spend several days having snowman fun even though we live in Florida. :-) I was fortunate enough to link to this post. It is SO beautiful! Your words express exactly how I feel today. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

  21. I just finished my student teaching and am just beginning my path as a teacher...and I was starting to question my path...reading this post has just reminded me why I chose to be a teacher..and you are SO right...it is GOD's calling for me!! Thank you so much for your beautiful words!!

  22. This is exactly what I needed to read. I completely agree. Thank you for sharing!

  23. Cara, this is such a beautiful post! I feel God has called me to my job as well and I know His presence is in my classroom watching over us throughout the day. Thank you so much for sharing your heart! :-)

  24. Mrs. Carroll, I stumbled across your blog via Pinterest and this post resonated with me profundly, as I am a teacher myself. You described our daily experiences with children perfectly. We are so very lucky!

  25. I saw your post on Monday but could not read it - every time I tried I boohooed! As I sit here this morning reading it is exactly how I felt on Monday morning - it was difficult to go to school. I cannot imagine what the teachers are feeling now at Sandy Hook knowing they have lost colleagues, friends, mentors and children. You said it beautifully - there is GOOD! someone posted on FB about a Snowflake project - my kindergartners made beautiful snowflakes yesterday along with other classes from our school. They are on their way to Newtown now to help decorate that Winter Wonderland.

    About that calling - I feel that my classroom is my foreign country - I am a missionary in the public schools- it is my job to share God's love to these little ones. They share it with me.
    Merry Christmas and thank you for sharing your gift of writing us.

  26. What a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing. I know I hugged my 1st graders a little tighter than usual this week. They are so precious. Merry Christmas!
