02 February 2012

Tagged :)

Mrs. L from Life with Mrs. L and Sydney from Lessons Learned...fun!   Thursdays are S-L-O-W for any kind of quality tv watching, so I thought I'd play along. 
The Rules
1) Post the rules.
2) Post 12 things about yourself
3) Answer the 12 questions sent from the person that tagged you. Then create 12 new questions for the people you tag.
4) Tag 12 people and link them to your post.
5) Let them know you tagged them.

12 Facts About Me...

1.  I am the oldest of four {2 girls & 2 boys}

2.  I am TERRIFIED, absolutely phobic, of frogs.  And flying. 

3.  I auditioned for the Mickey Mouse club when I was in 6th grade.  I didn't get a call back, so I'm currently living out my MMC fantasies in my 1st grade classroom.

4.  I dressed up as a cow for Halloween my freshman year in college.  I flew back home that same day.  The flight attendants let me pass out peanuts on the flight!  Needless to say, my parents were "udderly" embarassed when I stepped off the plane ;)

5.  I once *stalked* Britney Spears at a hotel here in town when she was visiting on tour {circa 2001}.  We met her bodyguard {Molicious} and he invited us back up to her room.  He was CREEPY as all get out.  Britney was sleeping in the room adjoining the one we were in, so we didn't get to meet her.  Sad face. 

6.  I read magazines from the back to the front.

7.  I'm obsessed with crossword puzzles and LOVE to read the dictionary for fun.

8.  I was in labor with my first born for 24 PAINFUL hours.  I wouldn't dilate and they were about to wheel me back for a c-section when the little mister decided he was ready.  By the time I was ready to push, my epidural wore off and I couldn't get another refill.  Let me just say that I could feel every part of his little body make his way into the world.  And I promise his head weighed the most :)  Lawd. 

9.  When I was a senior in college, I got a $500 tip from a guy at the golf course where I worked!!!  It couldn't have come at a better time.  Rent was due and my dog had just been diagnosed with mange!  His treatments were a whopping $250 every two weeks!!!

10.  I was the victim of a {super creepy} Peeping Tom in high school.  We moved shortly after he tried to crawl through the window in my bedroom!!!!

11.  The house we moved to was haunted.  I never believed in ghosts before we moved, but I swear...they are real.  We lived in fear for 6 months!!!  Finally, my mom had the house blessed and there were no more scary incidents.  My parents are still living in that house.  Freaks me out EVERY.TIME I go home. 

12.  I student taught at the same school where Mr. Spouse was working as the P.E. coach.  He never knew I existed.  I thought he was the cutest dang thing I'd ever seen.  A year later...hadn't seen him in about 9ish months...we both got new jobs at a different school in the district.  So, we were both at the same school.  3 months later, he asked me out on our first date...in an email that I still have saved...and we've been together ever since.  Godwink!!!!!!  HE always has a plan!!!!

Questions from Mrs. L...
1.What is one thing you wished you had for your classroom?
   I'd LOVE some iPads!!!!!  Even a few iTouches would be amazing!!!
2. What is your favorite professional development book?
    Anything by Fountas & Pinnell

3. How would your students describe you?
    LOUD!  Funny/silly & loving

4. Where do you get your clipart?
    Either from Scrappin' Doodles or JD Digi Designs. 

5. What is your favorite concept to teach?
   I'm SO not a math person, but 1st grade math rocks my socks off.  I love teaching any and everything related to math!!! 

6. What is one thing you wish you knew before you became a teacher?
    To document EVERYTHING and save ALL emails and correspondence with everyone!

7. How do you stay organized?
    Organized??  For real?  Running to-do lists!!! 

8. What do you do when you are on break?
    Spend as much QT with my boys as I possibly can :)  Lots of trips to the mall play area, park, movies, the village beach, baking cookies, movie nights at home, dance parties in the living room, & playing in the backyard :)  And I'm a big fan of going out to eat, too.
9. How many blogs do you follow?
    Between all my DIY/craft blogs, cooking blogs, personal blogs, design blogs, and teaching blogs, I'm pretty sure it's well over 300.  I read them all through Google Reader, so I'm not really sure!!! 

10. What is your favorite band/artist?
      I have WAY too many to name them all.  My favorite artist of all time is definitely Frank Sinatra.  I could listen to him ALL.DAY.EVERY.DAY.  I'm also a HUGE fan of Jack Johnson, Ben Harper, Amos Lee, Ray Lamontagne, Mumford & Sons, Dave Matthews, and Jimmy Buffett.  Let's not forget George Strait, too :)

11. What is the last movie you saw?
      At home, it was Moneyball.  Totally fell asleep for the last 30 minutes, so I'm still not sure how it ended.  At the theater, it was Alivin & the Chipmunks:  Chipwrecked.  Terrible, horrible, no good movie.  My boys LOVED it.

12. What are you currently reading?
      I just downloaded Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan and The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson.  Can't wait to start both of them!!!  On another note, if you're looking for a good Bible study, you should check out The Wardroble of Christ by Carrie Rogers.  BEST Bible study I've EVER done.  Wow.

Questions from Sydney...

1. How long have you been teaching?
    This is my 10th year in the classroom!!!  CRAZY!!!!
2. Have you taught at the same school the whole time?
   This is the 3rd school for me :)   I taught at my first school...with 10 teachers on my team!!!...for 3 years and then the school split.  It was HUGE.  I was excited for the opportunity to open up a brand new school, so I headed to my 2nd campus.  Loved it.  I was there for 4 years.  The commute was a killer.  It took me forever to get to school in the mornings and the drive home in the afternoon was even worse.  By this time, I had my boys and I hated all the time we were spending in the car instead of spending it with each other.  I wanted to be closer to home and then God gave me the most amazing opportunity.  He truly blessed me with the school I'm at now...I've never been happier!!  AND, I'm only 12 minutes from home :)
3. Do you like to travel? Where?
    LOVE to travel, hate to fly.  If I could road trip everywhere, I would.  I'd prefer to travel somewhere beachy.  I've been to Europe 4 times and that was amazing, but I'm way to chicken to fly that long again, so I'm not sure I'll go back.  There are A TON of places I want to visit here in the U.S!! I've never been to California, and I've only been to Florida once...for a destination wedding.  I'd love to go back!!!  And I REALLY want to visit Savannah, GA, anywhere in Colorado, and the Carolinas!!!  Chicago is my most favorite place to travel in the states and Las Vegas runs a close 2nd :)
4. How early do you get to school? OR How late do you stay?
   Depends on the day!  Lately, I've been getting to school about 10 minutes before we have to pick up the kids.  I usually stay 'til about 4:45ish because my boys have to be picked up by 5 :)
5. Why do you like blogging?
    I have 3 different blogs and I love them all for different reasons.  I love having my family blog because it's my scrapbook of my most favorite memories.  I have all of my posts turned into blog books to give to my boys :)  Our little family adventures aren't very exciting to read about, but they're OUR family memories and I don't want to miss a thing!  Plus, it keeps our families totally in the loop.  We have no family in town and this is the best way to let them know what's going on in our neck of the woods!!! 
   I love having my cooking/DIY blog because it's just fun and it keeps me from being too lame in the kitchen.  Mr. Spouse loves it because he never has the same meal more than once a month.  We're always trying new recipes!!!  And I've had a lot of really neat opportunities because of it, too. 
   I love my teaching blog because of all the amazing people I've met through it!!!!  I love sharing ideas and collaborating with other teachers from all over.  AND...I love being able to look back and visually see what I've been doing in my classroom.  It really helps keep me on track!!!
6. Mac or PC?
   PC!  But, after the latest snafu with my laptop, we're seriously considering switching to Mac!!
7. Do you use any drawing programs on your computer?
    I'm learning Adobe Illustrator!!!! 
8. Do you like to make photobooks? How do you store your memories?
    All of my family memories are stored on my personal blog and slurped into Blurb for our family scrapbooks.  I backup all of our pictures on my EHD, CD's, and Mozy :)
9. Plants - do you have them, can you keep them alive?
    Mr. Spouse has the green thumb in our family. He takes care of all the landscaping and flower beds.  We have NO living plants inside :)
10. If you could go to one event over the weekend, what would it be?
     A cooking/food event :)
11. Do you make your bed every morning?
      Mr. Spouse is still asleep when I leave in the mornings and if you think he's makin' the bed, you're crazy!!  It's always in a state of messiness unless we have company over.
12. Do you refill your car with gas the minute the light comes on, or do you press your luck?
Totally press my luck.  The light on my gas tank has been blinking for the last 30 miles :)  I'm *praying* I can make it to the gas station before school tomorrow!!

I'm terrible at choosing people to tag...I don't want to leave anyone out!!  So...if you made it this far and you're still reading...consider yourself TAGGED!!!!!!


  1. Mange is expensive...I had no idea! =)
    First Grade Blue Skies

  2. Love it! My husband read the "Crazy Love" book and says it's AMAZING! You'll have to share what you think about it.


  3. Cara....so sorry but I just tagged you! I was coming over to your blog to let you know you had been tagged! :) Hope you still answer my questions because I'd LOVE to hear them :)

  4. My Mom's house growing up {My grandparents house} was completely haunted. Experienced some crazy things up there...I totally believe in ghosts too. My old school had one too...we're pretty sure it was a kid, and was always playing jokes. Mostly turning on tv's at night and you'd come to school the next day with them on BLARING static...crazy!!!!!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

    1. HOLLY!!!! Ohmiword!! CREEPY!!! I'd FREAK right the heck out!!!!


  5. I can't believe you wore your Halloween costume on the plane! That's hysterical! And you would love Savannah, GA . It's beautiful.
    Yay! Love learning more about one of my favorite bloggers. Thanks for playing along!

  6. #12 SAME!! Except we aren't married yet :) lol!

    1. Hahahaha!! But it still counts!!! LOVE IT!!!! XOXO

  7. Cara, your answers were so fun to read. Can't believe you've only been to Florida once. You have to bring your sweet boys to Disney. We've been a million times (only live an hour away). They are a perfect age and you would come home with great memories (and pictures).

  8. My story of how I met my husband is so similar to yours but flip flopped...I was in my first year of teaching and he was student teaching in P.E.!! Love him to pieces!!

  9. I love your blog! I live in CO, so it would cool if you were in the area...just sayin'.

    I never tried for MMC but I went to Disney World last summer so it's my classroom theme this year. The kids LOVE it!

    Thanks for sharing.

  10. Hi Cara:

    I loved getting to know a little bit more about you.

    I am not big on flying either. I actually posted about it over Christmas break. Stop by if you'd like a chuckle--I'm sure you can relate to my sentiments. The post afterwards tells how I survived!


    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  11. How scary about the stalker!!!


  12. What a cute love story! ❤
    Love Mumford & Sons and Jack Johnson.
    Just ADORE your blog Cara. I'd love for you to come by sometime and visit mine!
    Dragonflies in First

  13. I can't believe your house was haunted. I don't think I would have ever slept. Ever.
    I can't believe you had 10 teachers on your team. No wonder the school split.
    Go with Mac. You'll be so happy you did!!! :)
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  14. This was so fun to read! I had no idea you've been to Europe 4 times?! Holla! That's my DREAM!!! Where did you visit? You will have to blog about that sometime:) I've never really been out of California (Vegas, yes, but to Californians it doesn't really count.), but been all over the state. If you ever come to California, you MUST email me for a get together. Deal? Deal!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I LOVE Amos Lee and Jack Johnson! Have you seen Dolphin Tale yet? You need to! After we have talked about some of the movies we both like(and it seems to be the same for books and movies!) I started wondering if you have read the book Same Kind of Different as Me. If you haven't, you MUST ASAP! It is a true story and takes place in Ft. Worth!

    Your blog was the first I ever started following! I know God brought me to your blog. I am so grateful that He did because you inspired me to start my little blog. I hope the Lord continues to bring others to my blog because I love to share about the ways He uses us to touch the lives of the children He puts in our rooms! I know He is using you not only in the lives of the kiddos you teach but those of us who visit your blog too!

    Heather's Heart

    1. Heather! I still haven't seen Dolphin Tale, but I've heard GREAT things about it!! Crazy that you mention that book...Same Kind of Different as Me is my absolute FAVORITE. I cried my eyes out. Best, most heartfelt story EVER. A change your life kinda book, for sure!


  17. Cara, thanks so much for playing along. I loved your answers and getting to know more about you. If you ever do make it to Georgia you'll have to let me know. For what it's worth I was one of 16 teachers in 1st grade. This year there are 14 and myself and another girl do EIP. She also taught 1st last year, and this year between the 2 of us we serve all of 1st grade so it's like 16 again!

    Funny about the magazine, I cannot read one until I have flipped all through to see what looks interesting. You'd think I could read the 1st thing I come to and then move on, but nope!
    Have a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend.

  18. LOVED all your answers...I didn't get tagged, but going to play along since I just started my blog! I've been following your blog for awhile now & just loved getting to know you better!

  19. This game of "TAG" is so great! Our house was haunted growing up too-CUH-RAZY things went on there! Ugh, I just got the heebeegeebees thinking about it. We think there is an old nun roaming the halls of our school which used to be a convent prior to turning into a school 50+ years ago. Nothing bad happens, toilets flush, the elevator opens and closes, etc.
    Anyhoo - LOVED learning more about you.
    Ms. Solano's Kindergarten

    PS - where on earth can I find the DIY instructions on the shelves Mr. Spouse made for your house?

    1. Tanya!! SCARY!!! Haunted houses are legit and there's nothing that scares me more!!! I can't believe y'all think your school is haunted! How creepy!!

      Okay...you can find the shelf tutorial on The House of Smiths. Here's the link: http://www.thehouseofsmiths.com/2010/09/ballard-design-inspired-shelves.html
      My husband put them together for me...after lots of choice words and a couple of trips to Home Depot :) HA! But seriously...we LOVE them!!!


  20. Okay, so I think we are musical soulmates...seriously. I love them all!

    We had a house in Arizona that was haunted or something. My brother would sleepwalk and make really strange symbols with his hands. My mom would always have to pray with him to get him to go back to sleep. He would also have terrible nightmares, until my mother bought him a cross-then they stopped. It was pretty freaky!

    Sorry for the long comment!

    Teachery Tidbits

  21. Loved learning more about you!! I would love iPads too! I want to play but what questions do we answer?

  22. Sally Clarkson's book is a must-read! I need to dust it off and take another look. :-)


  23. I just started blogging and found your blog. I love it!

  24. Life is just too short to make a bed! I think my husband would disagree!

  25. Come to Savannah! It is beautiful. I LOVE it here :)


  26. I know you just got tagged...but I tagged you anyway cause I love your blog! So fun and so many ideas! Thanks for all the inspiration!!

  27. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing all that you do. You inspired me to go back and redo my anchor charts as yours look so cute!

  28. Loved reading this post! I totally think you should visit Charleston (SC). We have lots of cooking events too :)

    Living A Wonderful Life
