12 October 2011

Wandering Wednesday

Sorry for missing my little regular Wednesday feature last week.  I was busy bein’ a momma.  I just needed a little time away from the wonderful world of blogs, but now I’m back and ready to get down to business.  Let’s not waste any time.  

First stop tonight, sweet Alessia from Mrs. Albanese’s Kindergarten Class.



Alessia has been a Kindergarten teacher in Canada for the past 6 years and says she can’t imagine doing anything else!  Of course, with a few years of teaching under her belt, Alessia definitely has a lot of ideas to share!  Here are some of my favorites…

LOVE the idea of a Playdough Club where parents volunteer to make playdough for the classroom as it’s needed!  I TOTALLY could’ve used this when I taught Kindergarten!!


This bulletin board idea is PRECIOUS.  I mean seriously.  Crayons out of water bottles?!  GENIUS.


And this “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” felt story makes me smile!! 


There are definitely some fun things goin’ down in Mrs. Albanese’s Kindergarten Classroom, so head on over and check it all out!  And while you’re there, say hello and don’t forget to follow!!

Next on our stop, we’re visiting Allyson over at Stickers & Stars.


This busy momma of 3 is a first grade teacher, but she formerly taught 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades.  Of course, first grade is her favorite :)  A teacher after my own heart.  HA!  Allyson has some fun things to share like this CAH-ute crayon wreath she made…


This cute Solar System hat will be on my list of “to do’s” when we get to our unit on Space.  Presh!!!


And I seriously LOVE this idea.  She assigns each “rule” to one of the kids in her classroom.   This is one of those, “Why didn’t I think of that!?” kinda ideas!  LOVE!


Stop by Stickers and Stars and leave sweet Allyson some love.  And while you’re there, don’t forget to follow her so you can keep up with all her fun ideas!

Last on our list tonight, the sweet girls from The Lemonade Stand Teachers.


If y’all haven’t visited yet, y’all are missin’ out!!!  This blog is FULL of fabulous ideas!  Tiffany, Holly, and Rayann are so creative and I’m LOVING their fun ideas! I’ve even implemented several of them in my classroom already this year!!  Here’s a DARLING activity we’re doing tomorrow {in honor of Fire Safety week}…


PRECIOUS, right?!?!  LOVE it!!!  And you’ve gotta see their version of Even & Odd Street.  I mean seriously…such an AWESOME idea!!!  SO creative!


And I think this poetry activity is SO stinkin’ cute!!


Like I said before, if you haven’t stopped by yet, you’re seriously missin’ out!!  Head on over, say hello, and don’t forget to follow!!

Hope y’all enjoyed tonight’s little wandering adventures!  I’ll be back next week with three more!!  If you’re interested in being featured on Wandering Wednesday, just shoot me an email at thefirstgradeparade@gmail.com

Hope y’all are having a FABULOUS Wednesday!  We’re halfway through the week and it’s time for me to catch up on Modern Family!!! 


  1. I LOVE that you do this! It is a great idea. I am new to blogging so look forward to Wednesdays when I have new blogs to explore!
    Thanks! :)


  2. Thanks for featuring me!
