03 February 2011

This & That…and a Couple of Valentine’s Day {Gift} Ideas

***Y’all…we are going on the THIRD STRAIGHT DAY of NO SCHOOL.  The streets are coated with ice and we can’t go anywhere!  Can anyone say cabin fever?!  I SO wish grocery stores delivered!  We’re scrapin’ the bottom of the pantry for food.  Popcorn and Club Crackers just don’t cut it, y’know?!

***I’m on the #30 blog of the Meet the Teacher Linky party and WHOA.  Y’all are all SO cute and talented!  I LOVE getting to know more about each of you!!  I plan on making my way through the other 54 blogs in just a bit.  I’m wrapped in a blanket with a big cup of coffee listening to my boys entertain themselves upstairs.  I’m finding SO many great blogs…I just LOVE it!  I plan on saying “hi!!” to each of you!  Promise I’ll get to yours soon if I haven’t already!  And if you haven’t had a chance to link up, go now!  And if you have linked up, don’t forget to check out all of these fantastic blogs…and while you’re there, please say “hello”!!!

***Did y’all know that my bloggy BFF, Babbling Abby, just started a new teaching blog?!  Yes folks.  It’s true.  And it’s gonna be pretty dang amazing, I’m sure of it.  Head on over to The Inspired Apple and say “hello”!  if you haven’t already!!

***I’m really thinking about setting up some kind of “teacher bloggers” convention/luncheon/somethinglikethat.  I’d love to meet all y’all face-to-face! Would that not be SO much fun?!  


Now onto Valentine's…because it’s just around the corner!

How do y’all celebrate?!  Do y’all do anything fun for the class party?!  My last year teaching Kindergarten, I decided to make it cutesy…and I loved it.  Y’all…I LOVE this commercial “holiday”! 

I made a little banner…


I semi-decorated the tables…


And we made these cute little bags to hold all our Valentines.




What about gifts?!  What do y’all like to give to your kids?!  Here are a couple of fun, very inexpensive ideas!!  I’m all about giving the kids something fun & cutesy without breaking the bank! 


Channel your inner Martha and make these fun little love pops!  SUPER EASY!!! I gave these to my Kcuties one year and they were a hit!  You just cut out a bunch of little hearts, place several of them together one on top of the other, hole punch, and slide a sucker right through!  The kids LOVED these!!!  I put them in a flower pot and had the kids pick a couple for themselves before they left for the day!  Wanna make these for your babies?!  Read all about it HERE!zzzvalentinepops



I pass these out EVERY year, in addition to a little sweet treat.  I always use sign language to say “I LOVE YOU” to my kiddos.  That’s another way I like to get their attention.  I make these as my valentine card.  Fast, easy, and they don’t cost a thing because you’ve already got the supplies in your classroom!  Just trace your handprint, cut it out, and curl the two middle fingers around a pencil.  Cut out a heart, glue it on, tape it to a straw, and VOILA!  A Valentine from the teacher!  And cute, too!



I LOVE these next two ideas.  I haven’t made these for a class yet, but both of them would be the PERFECT class gift.  VERY inexpensive and FUN!!!  I made these for the kids in my boys’ playgroup last year and they loved ‘em!! 


This is homemade play-doh.  SO easy to make and it truly didn’t take any time at all!!  I just used heart shaped cookie cutters to make the heart shapes.  Then I cut off the top of a ziplock baggie, folded scrapbook paper over the top of that, and tied it together with cute ribbon.  These would be great gifts for preschool kiddos or K’s & firsties.



I’m giving this one to my firsties this year!!  SO dang easy!  Sugar cones & cotton candy wrapped up in plastic & ribbon!  LOVE THESE!!  And you can get the cotton candy for $1 either at Wal Mart or the Dollar Tree.  And a little goes a LONG way, so you don’t need that much!!


You can get the recipe for the playdoh and check out the assembly instructions for both little projects on my little domestic blog.

Now off to “meet” more fabulous teachers!!! 


  1. Whoa! Cuteness overload! I love everything!


    p.s. I would love to help set up that blogger/teacher meeting! :) I was thinking to myself...would people really travel a little distance for it....um, YEA!

  2. I am also on day #3 in a row of now school...can we say STIR CRAZY!!? My house has never been so clean!

    Love these ideas! Thanks for sharing!


  3. I love your ideas! So cute! I think I will try the "I Love You" sign language valentine with a lollipop on the back. Thanks!

    Colleen Patton

  4. Thanks for the ideas Cara!!! My 3 children and I are on Snow Day #3 and just got the call that there is no school tomorrow! I just whipped up a batch of your homemade play-doh. I bet you've heard this before, but you can also add a package of kool-aid for color and smell! Enjoy your time with your sweet family!

  5. We will be having day #4 of no school tomorrow. One would think my house would be spotless, however, I have spent WAY too much time on the computer :)
    Love your Valentine ideas!!


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. CUTE ideas! My Firsties are going to LOVE your Dum Dum flowers.

    Thanks for sharing!

  8. VERY cute ideas!
    I made heart shaped crayons with my class - they turned out soooo good!
    Not sure if this will work, but


    is the link to what we did.
    Just be careful if using the school's oven - they are SUPER hot!

  9. You have so many cute ideas I can hardly even handle it! Thanks--AGAIN!

  10. I love having a candlelight lunch for my firsties. I light candles and play soft music. After they are done eating they are allowed to grab their sweetheart and dance a while. They love this!

  11. Such cute ideas!! I love giving my little guys play-doh...I like to think they use it at home to make words, just like they do at school! I am sooo down for this luncheon/conference/meeting! Everyone bring a suitcase of crafting supplies...and CREATE!!! Hobby Lobby in that town wouldn't know what hit them!

  12. Way to cute! I've got a million things to do, but just sent a text to my husband to swing by the grocery store and pick up some lollipops on his way home! Thanks for the inspiration!

  13. I love all of this!! We actually make play-doh as an experiment for our States of Matter unit and the kiddos LOVE it! We use red kool-aid to give it the color and then it smells extra yummy! :)

    -Katie @persnicketypickles

  14. How cute are all those ideas!! I was in need of an inexpensive Valentine's Day gift for my class. Love Love the sign language one!! The cotton candy one is soo cute too!
    Thanks for the great ideas....

  15. love love love your ideas! count me in for the bloggy bff convention! i'm so in!

  16. Oh. My. GOSH! A teacher blogger lunch?! I am so there! Tell me when and where and you can count me in!

    ~Mrs. Beck

  17. Loved the very cute and inexpensive ideas! I have never seen the cotton candy in the sugar cone before. I bet the students really enjoy those! Thanks for sharing!
    Cindy Hutter

  18. I have a giveaway right now!!! Thought you would totally eat it up! Just wanted you to know so you'd stop by! :0) Hope you enjoy day number FOUR tomorrow! Can't believe it!!

  19. L-O-V-E the cotton candy cones! And, the cute little valentine bags with legs!! Will do! You are awesome!

  20. Love the VDAY ideas!
    Love the teacher/blogger idea too!

  21. Okay so everything is SO cute!

    I may have my kiddos decorate their bags like that :) I just love them!

  22. Yay! New Valentines Day ideas!!!:) Thanks for sharing.


  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Can you believe it? Day #4 tomorrow. I am beyond cabin fever. You will appreciate the cartoon I posted on my first post- go check it out! :)

    Thanks for all of the cute Valentine gift ideas- defintely helpful to a teacher who has never done them before!

    Well, hang in there, I hear we are supposed to thaw out on Saturday!


  25. Valentines decorations | Valentine’s party I love this photos and in formation about the Valentine day celebrations.

  26. Last year with my first grade class we did a "Luv Bug" theme. We made luv bug shirts, antennas, and wings, then little luv bug valentine holders. It was SO cute!!!! My room parent made little cupcakes for them with bugs on them. They had so much fun!

    Here are some pictures if you want to see how cute they are (scroll down until you see it)


  27. Super cute ideas!!! I'm going to have to start a blog because I totally want to come to the teacher blog convention...maybe teacher blog reader addicts could be invited too!

  28. I love Valentine's Day at school! Thanks for the great ideas! I think the teacher blog convention ideas would be great!

  29. I now must venture out through the snow to grab some cotton candy - so cute! We'd love to have you share your blog and WONDERFUL ideas on http://teacherstalkpositive.blogspot.com/ forum/blog feed. It's in its infancy, but your ideas are gold anywhere! Thanks for the fun link party!

  30. I have only been reading decorating blogs, but I discovered yours and am in love!! I'm your newest follower!

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