15 January 2011

Place Value Mystery Pictures

For whatever reason, I absolutely LOVE teaching place value!  It’s one of my favorites!  Considering I’ve always LOVED teaching reading/writing/anything related to language arts, I think that says A LOT!  I have a WHOLE big packet FULL of place value activities and games coming soon, but until I’m finished with that, here’s a little something you can add to your vault of place value fun!

{click to download}


This is just a little preview!  You can find the full version {8 more mystery picture cards and all 9 answer keys} on TpT


  1. Love all your stuff. Went and bought the full version on Tpt.
    I have never heard from you on the other we discussed before Thanksgiving after I sent you that package.

  2. I just downloaded your unit. My firsties love mystery picture activities, so I know these will be a hit!

  3. I just bought the full version, too! I just wanted to say that I love your stuff and your blog was got me into blogging!!

  4. I am thrilled that you shared this Place Value mystery picture and now I am off to purchase the rest! I am hoping (and begging!) that you will finish the place value unit asap cause we are doing this very thing in my class this week. Love, love, love all that you make and share! Smiles, Cindy in South Carolina

  5. Wow! this is great! i have not ever seen this idea before! BRILLIANT!

  6. Thanks! This is my first year teaching first grade (I taught kinder for 6 years) and I don't feel like I'm doing that great of a job at teaching PV. I appreciate every tool I can get my hands on!

  7. Hi There!

    A teacher friend of mine told me about your blog, and I {LOVE} it! You have so many awesome ideas, you have really inspired me!

    I just started my own blog, and I have linked to your blog on mine. Check it out when you have time. Thanks :)


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Sorry! I removed my last post because I missed typos and that makes me crazy! I LOVE your place value mystery pictures! I have not yet downloaded the whole group of them. On the free one, where 90 should be is actually 81. One of my fabulous firsties caught it today! They are LOVING this activity! I put it at my math center!

  10. MUST HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!! Love your ideas and I KNOW your place value unit will rock my socks off!


  11. I just wanted to thank you for sharing your ideas and printables. My homeschooled first grader loves the different activities!
