01 January 2011

Christmas Catch-Up & Happy New Year!

It’s been a BUSY holiday, but I’m back in town and trying to catch up on everything!  I know this post is a bit overdue, but just incase you need some ideas for next year, I thought I’d share a few little things.

We read this story..


Then we talked about how grown-ups have to go through an application process to get a job.  Then I had the kids fill out their own applications…to apply to be one of Santa’s elves!  HA!  They were ALL over it!  I told them I was sending their applications straight to the North Pole.  I’ve never seen such GOOD work!! 


You can download your application HERE.


We also read this story…


And then had the kids write about what they would do if they found Santa stuck in the chimney.  They loved it!



We celebrated the last day before Christmas break with a Gingerbread House decorating party!  SO fun!!  Our sweet moms assembled all the houses a week before the party and all the kids donated decorating items.  They had SO much fun!



The kids made plates to give to their parents for Christmas.  We used acrylic paint and cotton balls to paint on the blue & the snowman.  They used their little fingertips for the snowman’s eyes, smile, nose, & snowflakes.  We hot glued fabric strips for the snowman’s scarf & the kids wrote “There’s Snow Place Like Home” with sharpies.  {We had them write in pencil first!}  Then I took the plates outside and sealed them with a spray acrylic sealer. 


The kids even made their own wrapping paper using the grocery sacks we had leftover from our Mayflower project. 



My Christmas gift to the kids was Santa’s Magic Key.  I made this for my own kids last year for Christmas and thought it would be perfect to give to my first graders.  You can see how I made them HERE


I told the kids that my little Elf on the Shelf brought these straight from the North Pole.  You should have seen their faces.  Mercy!!  They were SO excited!!!!


You can download Santa’s Magic Key tag HERE.


Such a fun and magical holiday season!!!  Now onto the 2nd semester :)  Spring Break will be here before we know it!!!!!! 


  1. I love these!!! What a great gift!! I am trying to download them for my file for next year and I am not getting the last download to work.

  2. I love the elf application....I'll have to remember that for next year! :)

  3. I am in love with Santa's magic key! I love the distressed vintage feel... so cute! Unfortunately, I can't get the download to work either. It appears to be in some kind of data format... I don't recognize it. When it downloaded, it looks a bit like jumbled html. It has a .mht ending. I don't know if that helps you solve the mystery of why it's not working, but that's what I'm noticing. Thanks for sharing!

  4. On my to-do list for 2011 Christmas.....make the Santa's that are stuck in the chimney!!! That is making me laugh out loud thinking what my students would/could write about!!! You're so fab!


  5. I love the plates for the parent gifts. What an awesome present. You are so creative!

  6. Love the ideas! Always looking for something new to try! I appreciate you sharing!!!

  7. I love your blog! It's adorable! Hope you don't mind a new follower!

  8. I also tried to print the name tags but it was a file it wouldn't open. I love the ideas you share. Thank you so much!

  9. Love these!! Only...I cannot get the link to work. Could you email me the template. They are super cute and Id love to use them next year! Thank you for all you do!

  10. I love the plates- absolutely adorable!!! Are they plastic? Where do you purchase yours so that they are affordable? Thanks again for all the wonderful ideas you share with all of us. I look forward to checking in on your blog daily. :-)

  11. I would love the template for the key. It's so cute. I can't get the link to work. Also, thank you for all of the wonderful ideas. I'm just getting back into teaching after quitting to stay home with my daughter. I am now addicting to blogs and yours is fantastic.



  12. I love the plate idea! I've been in need of a present for the parents! Where did you get the plates so that they're cheap?

  13. I've had this page open on my computer since you posted it! I finally downloaded the Santa's Magic Key tag, but when I opened the document the tags were like .0005 inches big. Would you mind emailing me the file? Thanks!!


  14. I am unable to open the magic key. would it be possible for you to emil me? I love all that you do!


  15. LOVE these ideas! Thanks for sharing!!!

    Mary Lirette

  16. I also am unable to open the magic key printable. Would you mind emailing it to me? Thank you so much!

  17. I am DYING over the elf application! I can't wait to use it in a few weeks!

  18. How can I get the link to Santa's Magic Key?
    My email is shawna.applegate@fairfieldsfuture.org

  19. How can I get the link to Santa's Magic Key?
    My email is shawna.applegate@fairfieldsfuture.org

  20. I LOVE your blog on here! I could spend hours looking at it. I LOVE all your ideas. I was wondering if you had any templates for the Santas stuck project? I also tried to download the key and couldn't?

  21. Can I please get the link to Santa's Magic Key? Your idea are always awesone!!! Thanks for all you do!

  22. Can I please get the link to the Santa key? Lblane22@aol.com thanks!

  23. Hello, may I have permission to show your brown bag wrapping paper idea in my newsletter? I will quote you and provide a link http://thefirstgradeparade.blogspot.com/2011/01/christmas-catch-up-happy-new-year.html so my teacher friends can visit your page. You can let me know at mak@brightring.com I've written up one of my favorite ideas, and your photo would add inspiration to my readers. Thank you!
    ~ from MaryAnn Kohl

  24. Hi Cara! I just posted on comment on Scribd, but just in case you don't see it, would you mind sending me the template? I tried to download it, but it won't work. tshake@alpinedistrict.org Thank you so much! I love your blog and you do thee cutest projects with your students!

  25. Hi
    I am also unable to download the fab santa magic key tab.
    Would it be possible to email me it please ? mandaschildcare@outlook.com
    Thanks so much :)

  26. Love all the ideas and all the things. All these things looks very beautiful. Happy new year. Thanks for share this...

  27. Thanks for sharing the information. That’s a awesome article you posted. I found the post very useful as well as interesting. I will come back to read some more.
    Christmas elf

  28. Hi Cara,

    Thank you so much for posting your key idea, how inspired! Is there any chance that I could get a copy of the template? My email address is 4thmay1977@gmail.com

    Many thanks


  29. Hi, I just found this post -- wow! I am unable to download the key as well. Would you please send me the template? THANK YOU SO MUCH! luleader2004@yahoo.com
