04 December 2010

Santa Claus is Comin’ To Town

I have a thing for Santas.  I really do.  I have a HUGE collection here at the house and I just can’t get enough of him!  He’s so dang cute!  SO…it would only stand to reason that I’d want to include a few Santa activities in the classroom as well :)  I know that a lot of kids don’t celebrate Christmas, but this year EVERY single one of my kiddos does…so that makes planning a little bit easier for me.  However, this hasn’t always been the case!  I guess you could say I’m taking advantage of it this year :)

I read a book about Santa the other day…can’t remember which one…and had the kids make these cute little scrapbook Santas after we read the story.  I LOVE how different they all turned out!  And I swear each one of them represents the kids’ personalities to a T!!!  SO cute!



Have you ever read the story, A New Improved Santa?!?!


I haven’t read this to my kids yet, but it’s DARLING!  It’s all about Santa & how he feels like he’s losing his “edge”, so he tries out a bunch of different styles…spiky hair, the “gangsta” look, etc.  Anyway, it’s hilarious and I know the kids will LOVE it!  I’m planning on reading it to them and then having them create a Santa with a new & improved look!  And then, of course, they’ll write about it.  Maybe about why Santa needs a new look OR what he thinks about his new style.  Still thinking about that, but that’s just an idea for ya!


Did y’all know that Santa’s really a cowboy at heart?!  Well…if you’re from Texas…I know that’s what you believe ;)  HA!  We loved the idea of a “Cowboy Christmas” so we read a few stories with a real Southern drawl…cowboychristmascowboychristmas2

Then we made our own little cowboy Santas!  {I forgot to take pics of the kid’s Santas…they were SO funny!}  We gave each of the kids a speech bubble and had the kids write about what SANTA wants for Christmas!  It was so cute reading their responses…apparently, Santa wants an iphone, an ipad, material for making stuff?!?!, an American Girl doll, new reindeer, cookies & milk, and a new sleigh.  HA!


And here are a few activities for your downloading pleasure ;)  {Just click on the pics to download your copies :)}

wrappedwords2The directions are included in this little Santa activity…it can be used several different ways!  I made sure it was “Kindergarten friendly” as well :)


wrappedwordsHere’s a fun little making words activity!  Let me know if you need a better explanation that the directions provide ;)


wrappedwords3This is a little fact family sorting activity.  I didn’t include a recording sheet because I’m planning on having the kids make their own fact family tree out of construction paper as an extension to this activity. 


  1. Looks great Cara!! Awesome job once again! I wish I didn't have all of my centers already planned so I could use some of yours! Too much fun stuff! Maybe we'll have to plan some whole group activities :)

  2. How cute. I love the fact family trees. I love Chrismas trees the way you love Santa. It makes me miss reaching math. I might put word families in the ornaments. Or for my Kindergarten students, put letters in the ornaments and have them make their sight words.

    Ms. M

  3. You are wonderful! I can't believe you create these wonderful resources. Thank you. You are appreciated.

  4. These are fantastic. I can't wait to get started on these centers for next week!!

  5. Wow, thank you so much for sharing! These are fantastic. :)

  6. Great stuff! Thanks for all your hard work!


  7. Thanks so much for sharing! My kids and I have loved all of your activities!

  8. Your activities are so fun! Thanks for sharing and being so generous!

    Tami Ulch

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. ok, stop it-- you are just ridiculously awesome! Thank you very, very much for sharing your ideas and downloads! My kiddos (and me too!) are loving them!

  11. LOVE the santas. I'm just curious how you set this up. Did you have a template for them to cut or did you just give them a paper choice and go? They are too cute! Thank you for all these cute cute ideas!

  12. I am getting an error message on the 'Wrapped Up Words' activity when I click on download or print. Can you help me out?

  13. I love your blog! Check out our scrapbook Santas: http://aplacecalledkindergarten.blogspot.com/2010/12/santa-claus-is-coming-to-town.html!! Thanks for the idea!!

  14. I love the New, Improved Santa book! Amazingly, it was in our library. We read the book today and made our own improved Santa (with a fill in the blank writing activity). You can check it out here:
    Thanks again!
